A declarative responsive web design syntax. Breakpoints, defined in <meta>
With metaquery, you define your media query breakpoints once, and only once.
— by @benschwarz
Install via Bower bower install metaquery
Otherwise, if you want to grab it manually:
Download the production version (416 bytes) or the development version.
- Define your breakpoints in
<meta name="breakpoint" content="phone" media="(max-width: 480px)">
<meta name="breakpoint" content="small-tablet" media="(min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 600px)">
<meta name="breakpoint" content="tablet" media="(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 1024px)">
<meta name="breakpoint" content="widescreen" media="(min-width: 1024px)">
<meta name="breakpoint" content="retina" media="only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 2)">
- metaQuery will add/remove classes to the
node (.breakpoint-<name-of-breakpoint>
) for you to utilise when the breakpoints are matched. (shorter than media queries. don't repeat yourself)
.breakpoint-phone { background: red; }
.breakpoint-small-tablet { background: green; }
.breakpoint-tablet { background: blue; }
.breakpoint-widescreen { background: yellow; }
- Responsive images in one simple line.
<img src="./images/phone.jpg" data-mq-src="./images/[breakpoint].jpg">
- Add modernizr to detect support for matchMedia, then use either the official matchMedia.js polyfill, or my version that'll also work for IE7 & 8
test: ( !!window.matchMedia ),
nope: ['./js/vendor/matchMedia-oldie.js']
Considering the HTML example above, say you wanted watch for 'phone' breakpoint changes:
metaQuery.onBreakpointChange( 'phone', function ( match ) {
if( match ) { // phawor! your media query matches. }
and if you just want to fire an event whenever you switch breakpoints (but don't care which)
metaQuery.onBreakpointChange( function (activeBreakpoints) {
// do something amazing because you've changed breakpoints!
// your callback will also be passed an array containing the names of active breakpoints.
metaQuery requires matchMedia
- Use the polyfill (matchMedia.js)
Otherwise, metaQuery will work with all common desktop and mobile browsers.
metaQuery can be used with browserify.
In 2011/12 I worked on a large HTML magazine that is edited by an editorial team. Each 'module' of a template is responsive, and requires unique styles and sometimes even scripts. After reflecting on the project for some time, what worked and what didn't, I made some simple observations:
- Writing media queries over and over again sucks. (Even though I use the technique that I illustrated back in December 11')
- If you want media query access in javascript, you'll create yet another media query with
- picturefill is the best responsive image technique I've seen… until I authored templates for a massive magazine. The syntax is too long and easy to forget.
- and finally, a summary of all three: a declarative interface is far nicer to use.
After reading both Jeremy Keith and Matt Wilcox's articles, then the source of picturefill I decided to get my hands dirty and have a go at a slightly better approach.
Please use idiomatic.js as a styleguide and take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Reviewers: Tim Lucas, Ben Alman, Jeremy Keith, Paul Irish, Divya Manian, David Desandro, Nicolas Gallagher and Mat Marquis
- Scott Jehl for writing picturefill, matchMedia.js (with Paul Irish) and respond.js. Legend.
- Dustin Diaz's teeny dom ready.
Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Schwarz Licensed under the MIT license.