Deploya is a tool for easy managing kubernetes deployment. It is currently a Proof of Concept how Kaniko can be used for in-cluster builds. See Project Kaniko:
- Deploya automatically connects to a github repo webhook.
- Clones the github repo and builds it with Kaniko and pushed image to the docker repo
- deploys your new image to the cluster
how to use:
Open an account on: Generate a github personal access token:
Configure environment variable in deploya.yaml
And then run the commands below:
kubectl create namespace continuous-deployment
kubectl create secret docker-registry reposecret --docker-server= --docker-username=< username > --docker-password=< password > --docker-email=< email > -n continuous-deployment
kubectl create namespace deploya-system
kubectl create secret generic github-token-secret --from-literal=token=< github-token > -n deploya-system
kubectl apply -f deploya.yaml
See the github repo: It has a folder called kubernetes with a file called deploy.yaml And it has a Dockerfile It is expected that the project is dockerized.
Every time there is a push to master, project will be deployed in the cluster.
I will try to write a longer explanation and I will try to simplify the process.