Note: This a fork of another component with support for count attribute in the data object.
Add the dependency:
npm i react-native-calendar-heatmap
"react": ">= 16.x.x",
"react-native": ">= 0.55.x",
"lodash": ">= 4.17.10",
"react-native-svg": ">= 6.5.2"
Import the component:
import CalendarHeatmap from 'react-native-calendar-heatmap';
To show a basic heatmap of 100 days ending on April 1st:
endDate={new Date('2016-04-01')}
{ date: '2016-01-01' },
{ date: '2016-01-22' },
{ date: '2016-01-30' },
// ...and so on
You can check the example for the advanced usage
endDate={new Date("2019-03-25")}
colorArray={["#eee", "#D44B79", "#6B1928", "#9F3251", "#360000"]}
{ date: '2016-01-01' },
{ date: '2016-01-22' },
{ date: '2016-01-30' },
// ...and so on
It inspired by Github's commit calendar graph and React Calendar Heatmap.
React Native Calendar Heatmap Library is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.