An Open Sourced Community Driven Web Application built using Node.js, Express, React, Next.js, and Evergreen-UI and hosted with AWS Free-tier tech.
- Node and NPM
Navigate into the desired workspace and install location
cd ~/workspace
Clone the git repro from Github
git clone
move into the repro
cd BitFaced-Web-App
Install the needed node_modules
npm install
Install pm2 globally for testing prod like builds (might require sudo)
npm install -g pm2
npm run dev
Now visit http://localhost:3000 to see the BitFaced web application running in development mode locally on your machine.
npm run build
npm run start
Now visit http://localhost to see the BitFaced web application running in production mode locally on your machine.
We encourage and praise community contributions, please learn more about the contributing process here: Bitfaced Contributing Info