This repository contains versions of GPS waypoint navigation and PIV controller python scripts for the VRX simulator. tries to get the angle between the direciton it's facing and the target to be zero, while also closing the distance puts the target into the Robot's frame of reference then uses a rotation matrix and some facny math to decide how much power to send to the riht and left thruster is not really a navigator at all, but is simple and could be used to help understand how the python scripts talk to the boat
$: source ~/vrx_ws/devel/setup.bash ***Note that vrx_ws is he folder that contains our simulation workspaceTo run the simlation with the default bot, run: $: roslaunch vrx_gazebo vrx.launch camera_enabled:=true gps_enabled:=true imu_enabled:=true
***GPS uses sensor_msgs/NavSatFix msgs imu (inertial measurement unit) uses sensor_msgs/Imu NavSat msgs Docs: IMU:
I create packages using
I have my movement nodes inside boat_movement. In order to add new nodes (in python) I put them in a folder called 'python_scripts' inside th e packages src folder Then make sure to update the appropriate spot in the CMake_Lists.txt file for the package There is a part that alaready has some python files so you can just clook fo rthe .py part Should be somehting like 'python_scripts/' somwhere
to create new files, use touch Example pf creating a new folder and file in a chained command: $: mkdir python_scripts && cd python_scripts && touch
To open the standard text editor (not nano or one of the terminal ones), aka the gui one, use
To run python scripts, make sur eyou save the progress, but you don't need to run Catkin Build every time you make changes for example: $: rosrun boat_movement