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Machine learning project for Computer science (University of Catania)


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This is a university project for machine learning course. Goal of this project is build a classifier able to understand if a leaf is an ivy,medlar or laurel leave leaf.


This project requires several libraries like torchvision,gradio etc.. . You can install them , running following command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Dataset's gathering is part of this project. To do that, I recordered some videos of leaves placed on a white sheet , rotating device on different axis.
Inside src folder you can find which allow to extract frames (from file you can select different parameters like frames number).

If you want use video which I recordered make a request here. In this folder you can find videos and frames already extracted.


For this has been used three well-known model: AlexNet, ResNet and SqueezeNet.

Project strcuture

This projects has the following structure:

├── csv                     # Contain all csv generated
├── checkpoint              # Contain parameters for each trained models.
├── src                     # Source files.
    ├── Extractions         # Contains scripts for frames extraction
    ├── utils               # Some utils method like datasets split , optimizer etc... .
    ├──           All configuration useful to play with models and data.
├── logs                    # logs generated with tensorBoard.

Run project

Since Datasets and frames folder are too big to load on Github, I decided to put them on GDrive . If you want start from scratch you have to put Dataset folder inside Root of this project. You can set some parameters on config. Now you're ready to run:

python -m src.extraction.01_frames

If everything work fine, new folder frames will be created (unless you decided from config file to change destination folder). To create CSV files run : python -m src.extraction.02_csv

After running this scripts, CSV for train/validation/test set will be created under csv folder. (Again, you can tuning parameters for creation in config file).

Finally, for launch training phase run:

python -m src.Main

Run Gradio

If you want to run models previously trained go to root folder and run:

python -m src.gradio-gui

you will able to open web GUI built with Gradio .You can upload your image and check out if classifier works



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