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Checking the Event Page and Posting a Discussion Scenario

Can Atakan Uğur edited this page Apr 16, 2021 · 4 revisions


  • Serdar Şenkal
  • 21 years old, male.
  • Computer engineering student.

User Story

  • He is interested in basketball but having a hard time finding buddies to play because of the busy campus life that everyone is going through. Therefore, he checks the app and finds an event that he can participate and play basketball.


  • The user has already logged in.
  • The user has already made the search for the event and found the event page.


  • The user wants to check the event page, and decide whether it satisfies his criteria and he wants to participate or not.


1) The user navigates to the event page.
2) He checks the description, event's location, and all the other details.
3) Then he checks the event's discussion page to find out whether any clarification about the exact time the event is going to take place because the hours is not declared in the about page.
4) Since he is not able to find an answer to his question in his mind, he decides to post his question to the discussion page.

Acceptance Criteria

  • There will be some basic information about the event on this page like "Time", "Location", "Min and max number of participants" and "Description".
  • Also, some events might have some constraints for the users who want to participate. These "Requirements" are also shown in the "About" Tab.
  • There will be information about the badges to be delivered. After the event, the ones who gained the badges will be displayed.
  • The event page will also include a "Discussion Page" for people to post their questions, talk about where to find the necessary equipment or offer changes in the plan. Who can post or see the posts on this page can be adjusted by the event creator.


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