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Squad Game Project Description

Musa Nuri İhtiyar edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Amateur Sport Platform: Squad Game


Sports are an essential component in most people’s lives and it’s, actually, very normal when we take its benefits which are related with multiple areas such as psychology, sociology and health of human beings.

When we think about this concept, we have to admit that finding people who are interested sports is a necessity for being able to do a certain sport regularly since almost all of the sports are inherently based on multiple players.

While some people have a community with which they can meet regularly in order to do a specific sport, most people lack this opportunity; however, we think that there’s a solution which may change the situation.

If we think about all the developments happened in the last decades related with communication, we though that constructing a medium which will allow people who are interested in amateur sports to communicate with each other more easily and fast.

We’ve developed a software application which has both web and mobile versions. By using the application, curious people can sign up so that they can not only participate in a lot of different sport events from a number of sport types but also they can decide to only watch existing events. In addition to interacting with existing sport events, any user can, definitely, open a new event too.

Furthermore, our application provides additional features such as winning badges in the sports and searching for available equipment which is related with a certain sport for making the application far more comprehensive for the users.

With all these features, and probably more based on the feedback which will come from the users, we hope that certain points about doing sports will be far easier for people compared to the situation in the past and sport communities which will grow more and more on daily basis will be formed.


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