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Elif Sema Balcıoğlu Time Tracking

fileames edited this page Jan 7, 2022 · 37 revisions
CmpE 352 Efforts

Week 1

Git Research

Date: 25.03.2021
Task: Research Git
Details: I started by watching the Git For Ages 4 And Up video. Then researched new resources on Git for the next studies.
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Type of Work: Research and Learning

Date: 26.03.2021
Task: Research Git-2
Details: After the video, I had some questions in mind and started to read Atlassian Git Tutorials which are very detailed. The bare concept was not clear so I searched for posts to make it clear.
Duration: 1 Hour
Type of Work: Research and Learning

GitHub Repository Research

Date: 27.03.2021
Task: Research Interesting GitHub Repositories
Details: I started by searching repositories with detailed Wiki's and manuals. When exploring repositories, I realized that to me the most important part of a project is its CONTRIBUTING page because it makes it very easy to understand the project and how to think about improving it.
Duration: 1 Hour
Type of Work: Research and Learning


Date: 26.03.2021
Task: Discovering Issue Label Ideas
Details: Before Group Meeting 1, I researched labeling schemes that are recommended and considered as best practices.
Resources I Used:

Duration: 20 minutes
Type of Work: Research

Date: 28.03.2021
Task: Editing Wiki Sidebar
Details: I opened an issue for this task and edited the sidebar.
Duration: 15 minutes
Type of Work: Documentation

Assigned Work

Date: 27.03.2021
Task: Opening Slack Workspace
Details: My task for this week was to create the communication channels. Opened Slack Workspace for the group as a form of communication. Made sure all the members could connect and communicate.
Duration: 10 minutes
Type of Work: Enhancement

Total Time Spent On Week 1: 4 hours and 15 minutes of personal effort and 40 minutes for the group meeting.

Week 2

Date: 30.03.2021
Task: Create Contributing Page
Details: I created a Contributing Wiki page for instructions on how to contribute.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Enhancement

Date: 04.04.2021
Task: Research for Similar Systems
Details: I visited similar software systems to compare the features.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Research

Date: 05.04.2021
Task: Meeting for System Requirements
Details: With Deniz Arda Budak, we wrote system requirements formally which were decided on the group meeting.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Requirements

Week 3

Date: 11.04.2021
Task: Meeting for System Requirements
Details: With Deniz Arda Budak, we updated the system requirements based on the information we learned from the customer on the PS hour on 06.04.2021.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Requirements

Week 4

Date: 13.04.2021
Task: Group Meeting
Details: We met as the group and decided on general scenario themes. Notes on this meeting can be found here. My task is to create scenarios and mock-ups with Deniz Arda Budak and get answers to the unanswered questions on Questions About Requirements page.
Duration: 40 minutes
Type of Work: Requirements

Date: 13.04.2021
Task: Sending Customer Questions
Details: I sent an e-mail to the customer with the questions that were not answered on the Questions About Requirements page.
Duration: 15 minutes
Type of Work: Requirements

Date: 15.04.2021
Task: Meeting for Scenario
Details: With Deniz Arda Budak, we wrote two scenarios related to finding and attending an already created event.

Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Requirements

Date: 16.04.2021
Task: Meeting for Mock-ups
Details: With Deniz Arda Budak, we prepared the mock-ups on a Zoom meeting for the scenarios we wrote the day before.

Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Requirements

Date: 17.04.2021
Task: Meeting with TA
Details: We met with our TA as the customer and went through our requirements and mock-ups. He added some comments and I took note of them for my parts to correct after the meeting.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Type of Work: Requirements

Date: 18.04.2021
Task: Meeting for Mock-ups
Details: With Deniz Arda Budak, we made some changes to our mock-ups based on the information we learned from the customer meeting on 17.04.2021. Some changes are adding a map search feature, removing unnecessary parts from requirements, and adding more clear descriptions to requirements. We also prepared the mobile version of one of the scenarios.

Duration: 2.5 hours
Type of Work: Requirements

Week 5

Date: 20.04.2021
Task: Group Meeting
Details: Use Case and Class Diagrams are designed and created on group meetings. Since they are related to the general structure of the project, we decided that discussing and creating them together was a better idea. At this meeting general structure of the class diagram was created.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: UML Design

Date: 22.04.2021
Task: Research on UML Documents
Details: I researched for the general idea of the documents and tried to learn how to create them.
Duration: 0.5 hours
Type of Work: Research

Date: 22.04.2021
Task: Group Meeting
Details: On this meeting we finished the final version of the class diagram before the customer meeting and started creating the use case diagram.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: UML Design

Date: 24.04.2021
Task: Group Meeting
Details: On this meeting we finished the final version of the use case diagram before the customer meeting and distributed the sequence diagrams.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: UML Design

Week 6

Date: 28.04.2021
Task: Create Search Sequence Diagram
Details: I created the sequence diagram based on the class diagram and use case diagram.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: UML Design

Date: 29.04.2021
Task: Create Search Sequence Diagram
Details: I updated the sequence diagram with database symbol and uploaded to wiki page.
Duration: 45 minutes
Type of Work: UML Design

Date: 30.04.2021
Task: Start Working On RAM
Details: I created the RAM template and created the issue.
Duration: 45 minutes
Type of Work: Milestone Document Preparation

Date: 1.05.2021
Task: Update RAM
Details: I went through old issues and found out the tasks everyone handled and added them to the RAM.
Duration: 1.30 hours
Type of Work: Milestone Document Preparation

Week 7

Date: 4.05.2021
Task: Update RAM
Details: Added future plans tasks to the RAM diagram. Assigned reviewers and approvers for each task.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Milestone Document Preparation

Date: 7.05.2021
Task: Combine Milestone Document
Details: Added the deliverables from Wiki pages and pdfs to the final documentation. Related issue
Duration: 1.5 hours
Type of Work: Milestone Document Preparation

Date: 8.05.2021
Task: Update RAM
Details: Finalized the RAM.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Milestone Document Preparation

Date: 9.05.2021
Task: Update RAM
Details: Added remaining documents such as project plan, created table of contents and arranged the layout of the document. Then the pdf version is sent to the communicator for submission.
Duration: 2.5 hours
Type of Work: Milestone Document Preparation

Week 8

Spring Break

Week 9

Date: 22.05.2021
Task: Study Flask
Details: Started watching youtube videos to learn Flask.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Study

Date: 22.05.2021
Task: Study Flask
Details: Started watching youtube videos to learn Flask. And coded that project.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Study

Date: 23.05.2021
Task: Study Flask
Details: Continued watching youtube videos and implementing.
Duration: 1 hours
Type of Work: Study

Week 10

Date: 25.05.2021
Task: Study REST Api
Details: Studied and learned the fundamentals of rest apis.
Duration: 1 hours
Type of Work: Study

Date: 27.05.2021
Task: Experiment with Experimental APIs
Details: Used Postman and Python Requests to see how to use external APIs
Duration: 1 hours
Type of Work: Study

Date: 29.05.2021
Task: Create Similar Endpoint to the one Assigned to me
Details: I tried to create a create event form and related functionality on a local app. I used this as a way to learn but also make my job easier on the practice-app since I created a similar app.
Duration: 1 hours
Type of Work: Study

Date: 30.05.2021
Task: Initialize Folder Structure
Details: Created the folder structure, to have a modular project Flask blueprints are used. Related Issue
Duration: 1 hours
Type of Work: Study

Week 11

Date: 1.06.2021
Task: Start Implementing API functionality
Details: Event model for database is created. Duration: 30 minutes
Type of Work: Implementation

Date: 3.06.2021
Task: Initial Version of the API with front end for create event is created.
Details: Added the initial functionality. Used the similar application I created and added more features.[Related Issue] (
Duration: 3 hours
Type of Work: Implementation

Date: 3.06.2021
Task: Study Unit Testing
Details: Studied unit testing using examples from the lectures and searching internet.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Study

Date: 4.06.2021
Task: Create Documentation Template
Details: After trying a few alternatives, I found that the flasgger was easiest to use for generating documentation. I created the documentation folder structure. Related Issue
Duration: 1.5 hours
Type of Work: Documentation

Date: 5.06.2021
Task: Create Pull Request
Details: After finishing my part on the project, I created a (pull request)[] and asked for review.
Duration: 3 hours
Type of Work: Implementation

Date: 5.06.2021
Task: Watch Docker PS Session
Details: I tried to attend all sessions but since I was on the road I was not able to for a session. I watched the recordings for this Docker sessions.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Study

Date: 6.06.2021
Task: Handle Unit Test
Details: Unittest is the topic that confuses me the most so I read some tutorials. Created the initial version of the unit test for my part.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Implementation

Date: 6.06.2021
Task: Create Sport
Details: After discussing with my teammates, we decided that adding a Sport table to the database would be useful and I created it. Related Issue
Duration: 30 minutes
Type of Work: Implementation

Week 12

Date: 7.06.2021
Task: Unit Tests
Details: After discussing with the assistant, I learned the correct way to write the unit tests. Unit tests should not include requests to endpoints or database connections. So our endpoints need to be divided into functions where the logic is separated from the requests and database. After learning, I started to write correct unit tests.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Testing

Date: 7.06.2021
Task: Sports GET
Details: Since I did not implement a GET request, I decided to create one fore sports. Sports are already stored on the database, and I created an enpoint "api/v1.0/sports?keyword=" where given a keyword, returns the id-sport name pairs which contain the keyword in their names. Related Pull Request
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Implementation

Date: 8.06.2021
Task: Sports Unit Test, Documentation
Details: For the above endpoint, unit tests where different keywords are tested are created. A Swagger documentation file is also created. Related Pull Request
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Implementation

Date: 8.06.2021
Task: More Study On Docker
Details: PS material was useful but I think I needed more detaişl, therefore I went through Docker Curriculum to learn better.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Study

Date: 8.06.2021
Task: Event POST Unit Test, Documentation
Details: My unit tests were wrong and after diving my endpoint into functions I created unit tests for them. I created two functions to check the date format and sport id. Related Pull Request
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Implementation

Date: 8.06.2021
Task: Start Individual M2 Report
Details: I started writing the personal report. I started by writing the new tools and technologies I learned. Then I started writing about the external APIs I used. Related Issue
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Documentation

Date: 9.06.2021
Task: Learn Docker Volumes
Details: We wanted to use Docker volumes to make our application persistent, I learned the way volumes are represented. I think it was a bit complicated to find the correct paths.
Duration: 1 Hour
Type of Work: Study

Date: 9.06.2021
Task: Contribute to M2 Group Report
Details: I contributed to the group report. I added Bootstrap and Google Docs to tools used and improved basic functionality. I also wrote the documentation and code explanations for my API functionality. Related Issue
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Documentation

Date: 9.06.2021
Task: Deploy To Docker
Details: With Berk, we deployed our application to AWS. He researched how to deploy and created an AWS account before the meeting, after making changes to make database volume which I searched before, we deployed our application.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Deployment

Date: 10.06.2021
Task: Wiki Documentation
Details: I created the Wiki page for API documentation and wrote the documentation for my endpoints. It can be found here.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Documentation

Date: 10.06.2021
Task: Group Report Submission
Details: It was the submission date for the group report. We met as a group and made changes to our report and made its final changes. Before the meeting I made sure that my documentation was correct.
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Documentation

Date: 12.06.2021
Task: Individual M2 Report
Details: I added the code reviews I made for this project and API documentation parts to my individual report. I also wrote the code explanations for all code I wrote.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Documentation

Date: 13.06.2021
Task: Individual M2 Report
Details: I added the pull requests, screenshots and made final changes on my report.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Documentation

Week 1

Date: 16.10.2021
Task: Study Django
Details: Since with Berk, we decided to use Django as back-end framework, I looked at some tutorials and refresh my memory of last semester.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Studying

Date: 18.10.2021
Task: Update of Wiki Page
Details: I updated the home page and made some changes on the Wiki pages to separate work from CmpE352.
Duration: 20 minutes
Type of Work: Documentation

Week 2

Date: 20.10.2021
Task: Back-end meeting with Berk
Details: We talked about project structure and gave tasks to each other.
Duration: 2 hours
Type of Work: Meeting

Date: 23.10.2021
Task: Review Berk's Pull Request
Details: I reviewed Berk's pull request and merged it since it was as we discussed on the meeting.
Duration: 20 minutes
Type of Work: Code Review

Date: 23.10.2021
Task: Create A API Plan Documentation Page
Details: To take notes of the API endpoints plans we make on our meetings, I created a Wiki page and added the endpoints we discussed so far. It can be found here
Duration: 1 hour
Type of Work: Documentation

At the end of week 2, we started implementation, from this point I will document the time tracking with a focus on contributions.

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

  • 9.11.2021 I implemented the logout functionality #167. Then I opened the pull request Create Logout Endpoint and wanted Berk's review. Related commits:

  • 10.11.2021 I resolved the reviews of Berk on pull request Create Logout Endpoint. Related commits: Delete Unnecessary Import, Delete Unnecessary Comment Change Response Status From 200 To 401

  • 11.11.2021 I reviewed Berk's pull request on get user endpoint. One review I had was about whether to allow unauthorized users to view other users, after discussing with the team, we decided that the should and Berk changed the code accordingly. Another review was about using properties correctly and after discussing with Berk we decided on a convention.

  • 12.11.2021 I added more commits to follow branch for get following and follower functionalities #170 #171 . Related commits:

    • Add Get_following function: I created the get_following function at User model, which returns a collection of the following activities of a user. For this enpoint Jsonld with Activity Streams is used.
    • Add get_following View: I implemented the get_following endpoint which uses the above function.
    • Add Get_follower Function: I created the get_follower function at User model, which returns a collection of the following activities of a user where user is the object. For this enpoint Jsonld with Activity Streams is used.
    • Add get_follower View: I implemented the get_follower endpoint which uses the above function.
  • 14.11.2021 I started implementing password recovery functionality #166. After resolving Berk's reviews, the pull request was merged. Related commits:

  • 14.11.2021 I worked on automating the testing. I read on GitHub actions, watched videos and created a workflow that will be triggered whenever a pull request is made to development branch. This way, development branch remains tested and ready to deploy at all times. Related commit: Create django.yml.

  • 15.11.2021 I added follow tests. There are in total 10 unit tests. Related commit Add Follow Test. I also resolved the reviews of Berk which were mainly missing print statements. Then this request was merged.

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

  • 14.12.2021 Deployment of the front-end was a task of the front-end team. However, since they were not able to do it and I finished my tasks earlier, I looked at deploying the front-end to the AWS. After some research, I was able to deploy it to the server. Berk also helped me on the task. I used this resource.

  • 14.12.2021 While looking through through the code I realized non-organizer users can also edit the eventas. I opened a new issue for this issue.

  • 19.12.2021 Berk solved the issue #338. I wrote a small comment to change the return code. And merged the code.

Week 11

Week 12


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