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Ekrem Yusuf Ekmekci Time Tracking (451)

eye-78 edited this page Jan 12, 2022 · 2 revisions

3-9 January

  • Delete operations: account and event

I noticed that deleting an event is important because this is the way to cancel an event. I also noticed we should give users the opportunity to delete their accounts. So, I added these two features.

Duration: 1 hour

  • Display available badges

After finishing the above tasks, I felt finished and thought of extra features. I decided to add a system badges page so that users can see what they can give or receive.

Duration: 1 hour

  • Development in frontend: complete participation function

I started working on event participation function before milestone 2 because it looks nice and it may bring us some extra points. I finished the work before the milestone 3. Honestly, the old version was very buggy and creating the final product took time. However, it was not because of the old version’s bugs, it was because there were actually many things to do and many things to take into account.

Duration: 4 hours

  • Feature: users may follow/block each other

As mentioned before, we want users to interact with each other. I implemented follow/block functionality and changed profile view’s deficiencies based on the block scenario.

Duration: 4 hours

  • Add feature to profile view page: events

We want the user to interact with each other easily. To do that, we planned to add follow feature, recommendation stream and enriched profile page. So, my duty was to add the events tab to the profile page. I did it but I added only the event a user created, I forgot to add the events a user participated in.

Duration: 2 hours

  • Add features to profile page: badges

As badges feature is added to the application, we should display it in the user profile page. I added a new tab to the profile page and created containers for different kinds of badges a user can have.

Duration: 2 hours

  • Add profile info privacy funtion

Profile information privacy is an important aspect. We did not add it until milestone 3. This is because it was my job and I prioritize other features in milestone 2. I did this as my first job for milestone 3.

Duration: 4 hours

6-12 Dec

  • Finish Event Page

I did the last part of event page in this week. I also debug some parts of the website.

Duration: 3 hours

  • Display Activity Stream

After finishing the event page, I decided to work on activity stream. Actually, this was not in our plan. I was added by TAs, and nobody took the responsibility. So, I searched for a nice way to display it. At that point I need to say that we decided to use react-bootstrap. However, our teammates did not feel comfortable with it and used other libraries. While searching, I could not find a proper component on react-bootstrap. So, I used a component that I found at Material UI. I fetched data from the backend, parsed it through items and displayed them with an array. I learned many things during this process such as configuring external library’s components via css or source code, and loading activity info progressively. I also designed extra logos to integrate into the activity stream. You can see them in my pull request.

Duration: 6 hours

  • Create View Profile Page

After implementing 4 pages, I had some time. I decided to do some quick developments in our code so that we would have more features to display on milestone presentations. I copied the profile page’s code and used it to implement “view profile page”. The reason I said “quick developments” is that I copied the code and modified it. It displays all the information, but I removed the update profile info button and disabled input components.

Duration: 1 hour

  • Create Modify Event Page

Modifying the event page is another quick development. Actually it was not my responsibility, but I wanted to show more features. So, I copied the created event page and modified it. For example, I changed the endpoint and added event id to it. It’s important to note that the create event page was developed by Musa and he did it with class components instead of function components. So, I learned little about class components to do this job. However, I think Musa should have learned functional components and used them because class components are old fashioned.

Duration: 1 hour

29 Nov - 5 Dec

  • Create Event Settings Page

I created event settings page. To do that, I modified the sidebar (it had some bugs), prepared a generic container for body part, and prepared reusable card components for events. After that, I fetched the data from the backend, put the list of cards to the container, and finally styled them so that they fill equal space. Because the event settings page is not limited to only showing the user’s events, I prepared a tab system. In that system, users can navigate through their events and the events that they interact with. To display the second tab, I used the same cards, wrapped them with parent cards and put them in order. Through this job, I learned about css display property. I learned many things about flex layout.

Duration: 12 hours

  • Display events that the user interacted with

We divided event related work into parts and everybody picked some of them. I had the parts about displaying event info. To do that, I need a structure of the event page. So, I took responsibility and used the same structure of the event settings page. I prepared a tab system and put all three functionalities in one page: event information, participation information, discussion page. I prepared an event information page and expected Salih to fill the participation page. Honestly, we did not communicate until Salih said to me that he did not understand how to do the job. After that, I noticed that he would not do any job, and I filled the event participation tab also. I put an extra button to the event info page, it shows up to only the creator and it redirects them to the modification page. I also put buttons on the participation page. They worked for participation information.

Duration: 12 hours


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