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Questions About Requirements

fileames edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 18 revisions


  • Will registering be mandatory?
    A: No

  • Will age, location, gender and email information be mandatory for registration?
    A: Email should be mandatory, but for the rest, requiring as minimum information data as possible from the user is better because this is a course project, so no.

  • Will there be a verification part for registration?
    A: No

  • Should users be able to sign in using Google accounts?
    A: No

  • Will things like "I am not a robot" be used in registration and sign in parts?
    A: No

  • Will there be different profile types? (Like individual and sport field owners)
    A: No, there will be only 1 user type who is able to take any allowed action in the website.

  • Will there be the following option between users?
    A: Yes, when the user follows another user, the event creation notification will be sent to the follower.

  • Will the event creators be authorized to mark the event as certainly happening, or will it automatically marked as certainly happening when all spots are taken?
    A: The system will mark the event as "full" to show all of the spots are taken for that event. However, the vent will be open until it happens in case some users decide to not attend. \

  • Will there be a public or private profile page option?
    A: There will be an option to hide some of the information related to the profile instead of hiding the whole profile page. Shortly, all profiles will be public but the information that is visible to other users will be customizable.\

  • What elements should be on the home page?
    A: Profile and the menu. In the menu, there will be buttons to make a search and account settings. In the profile, there will be information regarding the user, events that were attended or will be attended. A few of them will be listed and there will be an option to see all of them on the new page. \

  • What will be the consequence of not attending the event despite being registered?
    A: There could a badge indicating that the user was not attended. \

  • What will happen if not enough people are selected to attend the event?
    A: The event creator can postpone the event, then a notification to attending users is sent.

  • Can users block each other?
    A: Yes, then the users are not able to see and attend the events created by users who block them

  • Can users give badges to each other or only the system and the event creators has the ability to do so?
    A: There will be 3 types of badges:
    1- System assigned badges,
    2- Player to player badges,
    3- Event owner to player badges
    There are also badges for bad traits such as not attending the events.
    If users demand different badges, they will make a request.

  • Will the event creators mark users as attended or absent or can users self-check-in?
    A: Event creators will mark users.

  • Will the skill levels be numeric or can they include statements?
    A: Users can state skill levels with statements such as "I am good at free-kicks".

  • Will the be a messaging system between users?
    A: No. All communication will take place in event page discussion areas.

  • Will there be a spectator quota?
    A: Yes. Based on the features of the field, there may be a quota.

  • What kind of event statistics will be displayed?
    A: There will not be user-specific analytics. More general information will be given such as age, height, skill average of the users attended.

  • Which information will be shown to the event creator when applying for an event?
    A: Users will select the information they want to show to the creator for each event. Users can choose not to show specific information.

  • Shall the equipment recommendations be on the event pages or on the event forums?
    A: They will not be related to events. If a user shares them on discussion pages, then they appear there.

  • Shall the users be able to search equipment recommendations from the search bar?
    A: Yes.

  • Will there be groups or organizations that users can follow in order to receive notifications for similar events?
    A: If the user permits to be followed, other users may follow that user.


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