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Lab 5 Meeting Report (09.11.2021)

melihozcan1 edited this page Nov 12, 2021 · 2 revisions

Time: 15.00 - 16.45


  • Mert Alkan
  • Ahmet Melih Aydoğdu
  • Zehranaz Canfes
  • Mustafa Emir Çolak
  • Ömer Barış Erkek
  • Melih Özcan
  • Ahmet İbrahim Şentürk
  • Niyazi Ülke

Where: Zoom


  1. Reviewing the Class Diagrams
  2. Discussing the advancements we made in each group.
  3. Showing the TA the advancements in the implementations.
  4. Handling keys.


  1. We reviewed Project Plan and Class diagram, we decided on what to change in them
  2. We discussed how to handle and store the keys.
  3. We discussed how to advance on the implementation of the project and how Frontend, Backend, and Android crews should operate.


  1. The crews shouldn't use random texts and meaningless images in their implementations.
  2. The crews should meet up and finalize their developments for the first milestone.

Common Tasks

Assignee(s) Task Deadline
Each team member Write your weekly effort to the corresponding wiki page, make the necessary additions to your projects. Every week

Personal Tasks

Assignee(s) Task Deadline
Ahmet İbrahim Şentürk, Mustafa Emir Çolak, Ömer Barış Erkek Meet up and discuss what Frontend crew should do 04.11.2021
Ahmet Melih Aydoğdu, Mert Alkan, Zehranaz Canfes Meet up and discuss what Backend crew should do 04.11.2021
Melih Özcan, Niyazi Ülke Meet up and discuss what Android crew should do 04.11.2021

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