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Zehranaz Canfes edited this page Jun 15, 2021 · 4 revisions

Lessons Learned

1.1. What went well?

  • Holding online meetings was easy to plan since most of us stayed home during the pandemic
  • Communicating with the TA was easy thorugh the Discord channel and Zoom meetings
  • Communcating with the team was easy
  • We got to know each other quickly by holding a lot of meetings and doing group work
  • We smartly split the tasks among each other and reviewed one another's tasks
  • We helped each other during each step
  • Everyone completed their tasks in time
  • Everyone participated in planning and designing the project

1.2. What went wrong?

  • In practice app, we had problems with the external APIs. My FavQs API's services were down for 2 days and that caused the practice app not to work properly during that time. Luckily, it got back up just before the deadline of the project.
  • Since most of us wasn't familiar with branches and pull requests, merging was challenging for us at first. We tried to write each view in the same python file and that caused a lot of conflicts at each merging step. So, after 3 merges, we decided to seperate each view from each other to minimize the conflicts during the merge. We spent a lot of time working on GitHub so we improved ourself.

1.3. Improve your process

  • We could learn more about different libraries, git and other software tools to speed up and improve our software design
  • We could use GitHub Actions for better repository lay out and code control
  • We could use GitHub discussions more
  • We could plan the practice app in more detail to catch up with the deadlines

1.4. What is Learned and Improved

  • I didn't know how to use Git command line. I used to only use GitHub and VSCode UI for that purpose. Now I fell confident using Git command line
  • I learned AWS, Django, DjangoREST, MySQL, how to use Docker to set up a Django project
  • I learned the importance of planning a group work
  • I learned Docker in more detail and had a chance to practice on it a lot
  • I learned UML
  • I learned how to communicate and participate in a team
  • I improved my time management skills

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