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Questions To Customer

Niyazi Ülke edited this page Apr 18, 2021 · 36 revisions
  1. The project description states: " You will develop an application where users will share stories about the past or present regarding geographical locations." Should users be able to announce ongoing or incoming events at a location? If the event is not free, does this count as marketing?

    Answer: The intent is not announcing incoming events, but it is hard to prevent it. It could be considered as marketing, the users can report such posts. There is no need for special measures.

  2. How many total users are expected to be supported by our website or app? How many active users?

    Answer: It is not important for now.

  3. Will all the content a user shares be visible to everyone, or should there be private accounts to only share with friends or with selected people?

    Answer: The user should be able to post privately or anonymously, but the default is public posts.

  4. When a user wants to post a story, is it necessary for the user to be in that specific location to post her story, or not?

    Answer: No, it would be a strict restriction.

  5. Can users share their posts via other social platforms?

    Answer: This feature could be included but it's not necessary.

  6. Will users be able to chat with each other?

    Answer: No.

  7. Which personal data of users must be collected compulsorily?

    Answer: Location should not be compulsory. The user can use a pseudoname instead of her real name & surname.

  8. Will there be an "add to contacts" feature included in the app? If not how are we going to for example let the relatives of a user know of an event that the one is involved with?

    Answer: Referencing, mentioning other people could be a good feature to solve the problem. "Add to contacts" feature might shift the focus of app.

  9. Shall users be able to sign up via Google, Facebook etc. accounts or just email?

    Answer: This feature could be included but it's not necessary.

  10. Can users share videos? If they can, will there be a video time limit?

    Answer: Users can share videos.

  11. Will there be a dark mode in our application? Will it have multiple themes?

    Answer: Will be clarified.

  12. Will users be able to tag other people to the posts?

    Answer: Yes.

  13. Should the admins check the correctness of the info in the posts? If yes, how?

    Answer: This is not possible, but users will be able to report incorrect posts in addition to offensive and marketing-related ones.

  14. Will users be able to follow specific locations on the map to get notifications about the posts containing them?

    Answer: Following specific locations and getting notifications should be available, it's a good feature.

  15. Will users be able to invite other people to the app?

    Answer: It could be included.

  16. Will users be able to share music that is about a location (e.g. Beethoven at the Beethoven-Haus Bonn)?

    Answer: Yes.

  17. What do you mean by tagging stories with freeform content as well as with semantic resources?

    Answer: Semantic resources will be later clarified. We should focus on the tagging feature.

  18. Should there be descriptions about places (e.g. History of Machu Picchu)? If so, from where should we extract the information about the places?

    Answer: No, posts will be crowdsourced and it's not possible to manage it. Moreover, there won't be pages for places.

  19. Will users be able to form public or private groups?

    Answer: Yes, it's a good idea.

  20. Should users be able to give feedback (new feature requests, bugs...) about the application? How?

    Answer: No.

  21. What kind of stories we aim users to share?

    Answer: Location based stories, memories. Long posts similar to blog posts should be expected.

  22. Should users be able to share stories about any location, or should locations be predefined? If the locations will be predefined, how should we determine the locations?

    Answer: The locations shouldn't be predefined. It's hard to do that and it's too restrictive.

  23. Will there be labels for posts to differentiate their topics so that users can filter accordingly?

    Answer: Yes, tags for topics must be included.

  24. Will there be privately owned places in the app? Will the owners of these places have special access to the stories?

    Answer: No, it changes the focus.

  25. Can users edit or delete their stories after a while? Should there be a edit history for every post?

    Answer: Will be clarified.

  26. Which age group are we targeting?

    Answer: For now, we should target all age groups. Will be further clarified.

  27. What constitutes a location? Is it the absolute coordinate of a place or just its name? If it is the name, what happens when that name is changed?

    Answer: A region, point location etc. Not a name if it can not be expressed geographically.

  28. What languages are supported? Should users be able to filter content by language?

    Answer: We should focus on a single language for now, but filtering content by language is a useful feature.

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