I currently use neovim but some of my vimrc
will work with Vim 8+ (untested).
To get started using this exact repo, clone and make it ~/.vim
You need to manually install vim-plug itself:
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim
Then symlink ~/.vimrc
to ~/.vim/vimrc
(after moving/integrating any
existing ~/.vimrc
you have to ~/.vim/
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc ln -s ~/.vim ~/.config/nvim
ncm2-jedi depends on the Jedi Python library, so go ahead and make a new Python 3 virtualenv named neovim3
using pyenv, ideally, and then install jedi:
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.3 neovim3 && pyenv activate neovim3 pip install jedi
Start vim
and run :PlugInstall
to download the bundles from the remote
sources. Restart vim to be safe and enjoy the awesomeness.
This file, vimrc, and the contents of the ftdetect
directory are my original
work and are released under the unlicense. See the file UNLICENSE for the full
license. Other files in this repository are the copyright of their original
- nvim-treesitter to try fancier/faster syntax highlighting and code selection
- vim-picker is a nice fuzzy picker that uses fzy and I've defined some keys to activate it.
- ale, to check Python and other file types.
- fugitive.vim is a pretty amazing Git wrapper that seems to speed up my git workflow.
- lightline.vim I've switched from vim-airline, after using power_line, since airline kept getting more busy and I figured I'd try something else.