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NxtUnit is an automatically unit test generation application for Go.


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NxtUnit is an automatically unit test generation application for Go.
You can compile it as the binary package and run it.

GitHub license Go codecov

Table of Contents


Automated unit test generation has been studied for a long time and prior research has focused on dynamically compiled or dynamically typed programming languages such as Java and Python. However, few of the existing tools support Go, which is a popular statically compiled and typed programming language in the industry for server application development and used extensively in our production environment

NxtUnit is the tool that can automatically generate the unit test for Go. For example, given the original code

func Example (input1 int, input2 int) {
   if input1*input2 > 9 {
      return input1
   switch input1 {
   case 20:
      input1 = +RPCCallee1(input2)
   case 40:
      input1 = +RPCCallee1(input2)
   return input1

During the generation, you might see our intermediate code:

package main

import (

	atgconstant ""
	contexthelper ""
	mockfunc ""
	variablecard ""
	duplicatepackagemanager ""
	staticcase ""
	convey ""
	imports ""

func TestDAUAMW(t *testing.T) {
	wgAUAMW := sync.WaitGroup{}
	originPath := "/Users/siweiwang/go/src/"
	declLocker := sync.RWMutex{}
	declData := map[string][]string{}
	useMockMap := map[string]map[string]int{}
	type DeclResult struct {
		AvailableList []bool
		PathSync      sync.Map
	declStatistics := map[string]DeclResult{}
	smartUnitCtx := duplicatepackagemanager.SetInstance(context.Background())
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "errors")
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "context")
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "fmt")
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "strings")
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "sync")
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "testing")
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "time")
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "syscall")
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "runtime/debug")
	duplicatepackagemanager.GetInstance(smartUnitCtx).PutAndGet("", "runtime/stack")

	go func(t *testing.T) {
		type Args struct {
			Input1 int
			Input2 int
		type test struct {
			Name  string
			Args  Args
			Want  int
			Mocks variablecard.MocksRecord
		defer func() {
		tt := test{}
		var rowData []string
		useMock := make(map[string]int, 0)
		for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
			convey.Convey(tt.Name, t, func() {
				mockRender := &mockfunc.StatementRender{
					MockStatement:   []string{},
					MonkeyOutputMap: make(variablecard.MonkeyOutputMap, 0),
					UsedMockFunc:    make(map[string]int, 0),
				smartUnitCtx = contexthelper.SetVariableContext(smartUnitCtx, atgconstant.VariableContext{})
				tt = variablecard.VariableMutate(smartUnitCtx, reflect.TypeOf(tt), reflect.ValueOf(tt)).Interface().(test)
				defer func() {
				if got := ExampleAUAMW(tt.Args.Input1, tt.Args.Input2); got != tt.Want {
					tt.Want = got
				tt.Mocks = mockRender.MockStatement
				useMock = mockRender.UsedMockFunc
				rowData = append(rowData, variablecard.ValueToString(smartUnitCtx, reflect.ValueOf(tt)))
		if len(rowData) <= 0 {
		declData["Example"] = rowData
		useMockMap["Example"] = useMock

	// summary data info wait for the result of function
	to := time.After(time.Millisecond * 3000)
	for {
		select {
		case info := <-WorkPipeAUAMW:
			// get declData KeyName
			declFuncName := info.FunctionName
			if info.ReceiverName != "" {
				declFuncName = info.ReceiverName + declFuncName
			if info.IsStart != "" {
				declFuncName = "*" + declFuncName
			if _, dataOk := declData[declFuncName]; dataOk {
				sResult, ok := declStatistics[declFuncName]
				if ok {
					sResult.AvailableList = append(sResult.AvailableList, false)
				} else {
					sResult.AvailableList = []bool{false}
					sResult.PathSync = sync.Map{}
				declStatistics[declFuncName] = sResult

			if info.Coverage >= 0 {
				// trim panic coverage == -1
				if sResult, ok := declStatistics[declFuncName]; ok {
					fmt.Println("pathid " + info.PathID)
					if _, exist := sResult.PathSync.Load(info.PathID); !exist {
						// record unique path
						sResult.PathSync.Store(info.PathID, struct{}{})
						// update available case
						sResult.AvailableList[len(sResult.AvailableList)-1] = true
						declStatistics[declFuncName] = sResult
		case <-to:
			break Loop
	var hitLine int
	for _, hit := range HitSetAUAMW {
		if hit > 0 {
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("coverage(%v;%v)-r \n", len(HitSetAUAMW), hitLine))
	res := map[string]string{}
	for k, v := range declData {
		sResult, ok := declStatistics[k]
		if ok {
			dataList := make([]string, 0)
			for index, available := range sResult.AvailableList {
				if available {
					dataList = append(dataList, v[index])
			if len(dataList) > 0 {
				res[k] = fmt.Sprintf("[]test{%s}", strings.Join(dataList, ","))
	code, err := staticcase.RecordFinalSuite(smartUnitCtx, originPath, res, useMockMap, 0)
	if err != nil {
	code, err = imports.Process("", code, nil)
	if err != nil {
	testName := strings.ReplaceAll(filepath.Base(originPath), ".go", "_ATG_test.txt")
	testFile := path.Join(filepath.Dir(originPath), testName)
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(testFile, code, atgconstant.NewFilePerm); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("[render testsuite] has ioutil.WriteFile err: %v", err)

it can generate the unit test like below

import (
   testing "testing"
   gomonkey ""
   convey "" 
func TestExampleFunction_URRDGU(t *testing.T) {
   type Args struct {
      Input1 int,  Input2 int
   type test struct {
      Name            string
      Args            Args
      Want            int
      Mocks           func()
      MonkeyOutputMap map[string][]interface{}
   tests := []test{test{
      Name: "Alice King",
      Args: Args{
         Input1: 20, Input2: 4,
      Want:            20,
      Mocks:           func() {},
      MonkeyOutputMap: map[string][]interface{}{"RPCCallee1": []interface{}{10}},
   }, test{
      Name: "Eason King",
      Args: Args{
         Input1: 7, Input2: 1,
      Want:            7,
      Mocks:           func() {},
      MonkeyOutputMap: map[string][]interface{}{"RPCCallee1": []interface{}{11}},
   for _, tt := range tests {
      convey.Convey(tt.Name, t, func() {
         PTNFTPatch := gomonkey.ApplyFuncReturn(RPCCallee1, tt.MonkeyOutputMap["RPCCallee1"][0])
         defer PTNFTPatch.Reset()
    if got := ExampleFunction(tt.Args.Input1, tt.Args.Input2); got != tt.Want {
            convey.So(got, convey.ShouldResemble, tt.Want)

How To Use


go install


    function name
    the receiver name of your function
    whether your receiver is a pointer or not
    option1: generate the unit test
    option2: generate the template
    your local go path
    absolute go path


go build
./nxt_unit -file_path=[your path] -receiver_name=Decoder -receiver_is_star=true -function_name=Decode -usage=plugin

Run generated unit test

go test xxxx_test.go -gcflags "all=-N -l"

-gcflags "all=-N -l" used for unblocking the inlining of the function

Failure Scenarios

The failure might be caused by the following reasons:

  1. The function is not exported
  2. The fault of the gomonkey
  3. You don't have permission to execute the file. Please see the Solution

Solution for the gomonkey

1 download the tool

cd `go env GOPATH`
git clone

2 rename the link to original_link

mv `go env GOTOOLDIR`/link `go env GOTOOLDIR`/original_link 

3 copy tool to GOTOOLDIR

cp `go env GOPATH`/macos-golink-wrapper/link  `go env GOTOOLDIR`/link 

4 authorize link

chmod +x `go env GOTOOLDIR`/link



NxtUnit is licensed under the terms of the Apache license 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.


    author = {Wang, Siwei and Mao, Xue and Cao, Ziguang and Gao, Yujun and Shen, Qucheng and Peng, Chao},
    title = {NxtUnit: Automated Unit Test Generation for Go},
    year = {2023},
    isbn = {9798400700446},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    address = {New York, NY, USA},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.1145/3593434.3593443},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering},
    pages = {176–179},
    numpages = {4},
    keywords = {Go, Automated Test Generation},
    location = {Oulu, Finland},
    series = {EASE '23}