Tools for online dungeons and dragons, including dice rolling, Open5e searching, and Discord integration.
This project is no longer in development. It was developed as a fun side project, with the purpose of practicing Python programming. Check out Avrae by DndBeyond for a collection of open source DnD tools, including a Discord bot!
This package includes a single Discord bot, DnD-Assistant, written in Python with
DnD-Assistant can...
Roll dice
Relay messages to other users on the Discord server
Search Open5e for information related to spells, monsters, classes, weapons, and more
As previously mentioned, this project uses the library for interacting with the Discord API through Python.
Open5e is also open source. See their GitHub repository.
The Open5e search functionality was merged from shadowedlucario's Oghma repository.
Please give them a star!
This project is currently in beta, if you find any bugs please submit them as issues, or send them via email.
If you're just looking to add a bot with Open5e search functionality, you can simply add the public bot Oghma on!
Otherwise, the current method for installing DnD-Assistant is from source.
Add a bot to your Discord account (it's recommended you use the bot name "DnD-Assistant")
Install Python 3.8
Clone dungeons
git clone
- Install the python3.8 dependencies
# CD into wherever you cloned dungeons
cd dungeons
# Install pipenv if you haven't already
python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3.8 -m pip install pipenv
# Install all dependencies to a virtual environment
pipenv install
- Add contents to
# Environment variables for DnD-Assistant
- Run the bot!
# Load the virtual environment
pipenv shell
# Run the bot
python assistant/