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feather ssg (static site generator)

html/css/js + markdown + gulp automation + hot-reloading to create lightweight static sites


  • Fast reload on all edits
  • QR code for physical mobile web app development (also with fast reload)
  • HTML + Nunjucks Templating with Layouts
  • SCSS => CSS
  • CSS & JS Minified
  • Dark Mode check with JavaScript (adds .dark-mode to body)
  • Markdown support + Front Matter for page data
  • Meta supported: title, description, canonical, robots, etc.
  • Next / Previous Posts generated (within it's category)
  • Relative / Absolute pathing handled for you
  • Sitemap.xml created
  • Build stats
    • Page count
    • CSS before and after minification
  • eslint/prettier


  • Local WYSIWYG Editor
  • Category support
  • Show HTML before and after sizes in build report
  • Use purgecss?
  • Theming (+ predefined palettes, scss variables and root css usage)


run: yarn or yarn install

Development environment

  • start local server, run: yarn dev
  • stop local server: ctl + c

Production builds

create for Production deploy

  • run: yarn prod
  • creates: /static_prod/

Deploying to Vercel

  • Make sure you have Vercel CLI installed globally on your machine
  • then run: yarn prod to make sure you have all static files generated and ready for deployment
  • then run: vercel (this will prompt a login if you are not already)
  • going through the setup flow, make sure to set the directory your code is located to be: ./static_prod
  • side note, i've added a custom domain, ( so to push to that domain i run: vercel --prod

Technologies Used

Helpful code editor packages