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started as an assignment for a job-application, now turned into a project...


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Repository files navigation


Simple CMS API on node.js with minimal requirements. A Vue client will also be implemented. To-Do's:

  • testing suite
  • GraphQL
  • tRPC
  • Dashboard
  • maybe a second client with React
  • mobile client
  • Web3 connectivity
  • please refer to docs/ for the detailed docs.
  • kanban board for the issues at hand is available at kanban board

POSTMAN Collection Invitation

POSTMAN API-Collection Report


  • basic dependencies will be covered within package.json
  • database specific requirements are given below.


I've created this as a bootstrap for my personal and professional projects with the with the possibility of switching the datalayer to be used as RestAPI, GraphQL or tRPC in mind. It is a opinionated package, please bear that in mind. For the frontend the folder client/ folder will be used. I use ngrok for tunneling into my database vagrant box, so the database server is seperated.


  • Node.js with TypeScript
  • Express for the restAPI with various security policies & middlewares
  • GraphQL & tRPC
  • PostgreSQL
  • various package.json commands to document & build & test


The database commands of the package.json also help migrations and seedings of the database, whereas I will also create dummy seedable content for various usage examples. Be advised to create a user/ password trough the psql command and a clean db-table.


  • yum install postgresql11 postgresql11-contrib
  • uuid-ossp for postgres

and within psql:


Content details:

  • Typescript will be used on with Interface models for each content type.
  • Content types will be inherited from the base content class.
  • Comments are just another content-type, implementing the content class, thus retrieval of comments should be done recursively within the same table (which should be easier on postgresql).
  • Imported content will always be saved within the JSON-field of the content-table, which uses the JSON field-type.

Security concerns:

  • Various middlewares are added and configurable troughout the JSON files located within config/ folder.
  • Content Security Policies are also located in the same folder.
  • The Rest API implements JWT tokens of 1-hour lifetime.


  • Test-cases for various parts are planned, but won't be heavily enforced as in TDD.

setup steps:

  • create an empty database
  • edit config/[app-dev.json | app-prod.json] to reflect your setup
  • if needed, you can edit config/policies.json as well
  • to create the required folders and files please run npx sequelize-cli init --force
  • to create dummy data for users & contents tables please run npm run db:seeds

these needs to be edited to use migration & seeding & model-creation

  • edit .sequelizerc, reflecting the database connection info
  • edit .sequelizeautoconfig.json, reflecting the database connection info

various npm run setup commands

npm run db:build

Builds database models from scratch. Please do this to reflect changes on the database structure.

npx sequelize-cli init

Initializes Sequelize-CLI for migrations & seeding the database on commands

npm run db:create

Creates the database tables

npm run db:seeds

Creates mock-data on speific tables with working reference-ids:

  • a list of 100 users.
  • contents for each type: article, game, product
  • comments for all of these types including comments for comments

npm run db:g:migration

npm run db:g:seed

npm run db:seeds

npm run db:g:models