Its suites are very similar to FunSuites from ScalaTest and its assertions simply throw cgta.otest.AssertionFailure
when they fail.
It was inspired by utest, but designed to fit into our legacy codebase, with minimal refactoring.
It currently is built targeting Scala 2.11
, scala 2.12
as well as ScalaJs 0.6.13
CGTA has several hundred unit tests written as FunSuites for ScalaTest, we are in the process of porting our codebase over to cross compile in ScalaJs and we needed something that would make porting over the unit tests as easy as possible.
import cgta.otest.FunSuite
object TestBinaryHelp extends FunSuite {
test("popCnt32") {
Assert.isEquals(0, BinaryHelp.popCnt32(0))
Assert.isEquals(1, BinaryHelp.popCnt32(1))
Assert.isEquals(1, BinaryHelp.popCnt32(2))
Assert.isEquals(8, BinaryHelp.popCnt32(0xFF))
Assert.isEquals(32, BinaryHelp.popCnt32(-1))
Assert.isEquals(1, BinaryHelp.popCnt32(Int.MinValue))
Assert.isEquals(31, BinaryHelp.popCnt32(Int.MaxValue))
test("ZigZag64") {
Assert.isEquals(0L, BinaryHelp.decodeZigZag64(BinaryHelp.encodeZigZag64(0)))
Assert.isEquals(-1L, BinaryHelp.decodeZigZag64(BinaryHelp.encodeZigZag64(-1)))
Assert.isEquals(1L, BinaryHelp.decodeZigZag64(BinaryHelp.encodeZigZag64(1)))
Assert.isEquals(Long.MaxValue, BinaryHelp.decodeZigZag64(BinaryHelp.encodeZigZag64(Long.MaxValue)))
Assert.isEquals(Long.MinValue, BinaryHelp.decodeZigZag64(BinaryHelp.encodeZigZag64(Long.MinValue)))
isTrue(actual: Boolean, clues: Any*)
isEquals[A, B](expected: A, actual: B, clues: Any*)(implicit ev: CanAssertEq[A, B])
isNotEquals[A, B](expected: A, actual: B, clues: Any*)(implicit ev: CanAssertEq[A, B])
isAnyEquals(expected: Any, actual: Any, clues: Any*)
isNotAnyEquals(expected: Any, actual: Any, clues: Any*)
isIdentityEquals(expected: AnyRef, actual: AnyRef, clues: Any*)
isNotIdentityEquals(expected: AnyRef, actual: AnyRef, clues: Any*)
isLt[A](a: A, b: A, clues: Any*)(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])
isLte[A](a: A, b: A, clues: Any*)(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])
isGt[A](a: A, b: A, clues: Any*)(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])
isGte[A](a: A, b: A, clues: Any*)(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])
fail(msg: String = null)
intercepts[T](body: Unit)
interceptsWithClues[T](clues: Any*)(body: Unit)
Note that the intercepts[T]
and interceptsWithClues[t]
are implemented with macros
A full list of available assertions can be seen here.
You can see them in action in their unit test
An assertion works by throwing an exception of type AssertionFailure
the test suite will catch that exception, terminate the current test and display a message describing the failure, a stack trace, and any clues provided.
Typically when comparing two things in an assert block those two things should be of the same type. By default otest enforces this with the isEquals
/ isNotEquals
asserts. If you want to use standard java-style equality just use isAnyEquals
. The typesafe way is most often the right way so it's the default. One special case kept popping up when porting our tests over, combinations of Some[_]
, Option[_]
and None
. With the magic of implicits isEquals is able to recognize that isEquals(Some(4), Option(4))
is a reasonable enough assertion while isEquals(Some(4), Some("4"))
isn't. When comparing different types of sequences, we coerce them to a common type of sequence, typically just calling .toList
otest runs in sbt, it doesn't have support for maven or any other build systems as we only use sbt in-house.
It is is released in two versions, a -jvm version for projects targeting the Jvm and an -sjs version for ScalaJs projects targeting javascript.
add the following to the build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "biz.cgta" %% "otest" % "0.2.5" % "test",
testFrameworks := Seq(new TestFramework("cgta.otest.runner.OtestSbtFramework"))
add the following to the build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "biz.cgta" %%% "otest" % "0.2.5" % "test"
testFrameworks := Seq(new TestFramework("cgta.otest.runner.OtestSbtFramework"))
//Optional if you want to use Node / PhantomJs runners
scalaJSStage in Test := FastOptStage
NOTE: The triple '%%%' in the version string here, this is added to sbt by the scalaJs plugin. Whereas %% handles binary incompitabilites between versions of Scalac, %%% goes one step further and ensures compatibility between ScalaJs versions by adding a tag like _sjs0.5
to the artifact id as well.
clone the repo locally, cd into it, and run the shell script
It will publishLocal SNAPSHOT versions of otest for jvm and sjs, and it will run the example tests on each of them.
MIT see the LICENSE file.
If you want to cross-build your source like we do for jvm+sjs projects compatibility look at the CGTA sbt-x-sjs-plugin project as well as the example project and this project's build If you decide to go down this route I'd suggest giving Better Living Through sbt a watch on youtube, to see how to setup a firmwide plugin project for sbt.
The ScalaJs team Sebastien Doeraene & Tobias Schlatter for making all of this possible.
Thanks to Li Haoyi, for making utest as well as several, other, excellent ScalaJs compatible libraries.