conda create -n lgmcts python=3.9 -y
conda activate lgmcts
conda install pytorch==2.1.1 torchvision==0.16.1 torchaudio==2.1.1 pytorch-cuda=12.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia
# Under the lgmcts environment
pip install -r requirements
pip install -e .
# In the root directory of LGMCTS-D directory
mkdir lgmcts/conf
Create a .pkl file with API keys stored as a list. Run the below python code. However, one API key is enough.
# pickle package is already included in python3.9
import pickle
api_keys = [<api_key1>,<api_key2>, ..]
with open("lgmcts/conf/api_key.pkl", "wb") as fp:
pickle.dump(fp, api_keys)
- Generate data (LGMCTS)
python lgmcts/scripts/data_generation/
- Run offline test
python lgmcts/scripts/eval/
python lgmcts/scripts/data_generation/
obs: - rgb - top - front - depth - point cloud - pose
Point cloud & pose are all padded with zero. Their shape is of (max_num_obj * max_pcd_size, 3) and (max_num_obj, 7).
python lgmcts/scripts/data_generation/ --num_episodes=100
Use without gt_pose.
python lgmcts/scripts/eval/ --method=mcts --n_epoches=100 --mask_mode=raw_mask
Use with gt_pose
python lgmcts/scripts/eval/ --method=mcts --n_epoches=100 --mask_mode=raw_mask --use_gt_pose
# In the root directory of LGMCTS-D directory
mkdir -p output/lfsp/eval_single_pattern
Download the Structformer dataset for each of the four patterns (line, circle, dinner, and tower). Extract them to the folder output/lfsp/eval_single_pattern/
For Line
python lgmcts/scripts/eval/ --pattern=line
Similarly generate the files for the other 3 patterns by replacing the command line argument pattern
with circle
, dinner
and tower
For Line
Step 1:
python --pattern=line
Step 2:
chmod +x
Results can be generated for the rest of the patterns similarly.
Download the ELGR Bench. Extract them to the folder output/lfsp/
Step 1:
Step 2:
chmod +x
Currently, the sequential sampling is not working. Need to be fixed.
Is the sampling repeatable??
Why do we need flip_xy in eval of mcts, but not in eval of mcts + GT?
- Theoretically, the action part should have bug, but what kind of bug is still unknown.
- Include the spatial pattern into pipeline.
- Change the seed structure.