Inject faults in executable files based on several fault models. This tool is based on the previous work Fault-Injection-Tool.
Usage :
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] -i INFILE -o OUTFILE [-w WORDSIZE]
Software implemented fault injection tool
positional arguments:
FAULT_MODEL one fault model followed by its parameters
The possible models are :
FLP addr significance flip one specific bit
Z1B addr set one byte to 0x0
Z1W addr set one word to 0x0
NOP addr nop one address (1 or 2 bytes depending on arch)
JMP addr target change the jump to point on the target (relative near JMP on x86; B and BL on ARM)
JCC addr target change the conditional jump to point on the target (relative near Jcc on x86; B and BL with a condition on ARM)
addr can be a number or a range (number-number)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INFILE, --infile INFILE
path to the source file
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
path to the destination file
-w WORDSIZE, --wordsize WORDSIZE
number of bytes in a word
architecture of the executable (x86 or arm) (x86 is for both 32 or 64 bits)
-g, --graphical open a window comparing the input and the output
read the faults models from a file instead of command line
Screenshots :
The -g
option will display a comparison of the hexadecimal content between the initial file and the edited file.
For more details, see the example page.