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Meeting Notes 2023 Q4

John Loucaides edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 2 revisions



  • Will do one more release (merging Nov/Dec releases into one) target approx 12/12
  • The -m command to run a module was case sensitive and now will not be (ease of use)

PR1796 Non-UEFI Section Data and issue #1790

  • still work in process

Drafting a module like decode but filtering by module type

  • maybe make this a util command under uefi
  • eg. show all the SMM modules
  • Question about creating a new entry point (like chipsec_util) for things that would never touch the live system (eg. parsing a spi image file). If one wanted to make that proposal, one would collect the related functions together and propose that new entry point so we can review.

Return Codes

  • includes an ID for the module
  • added a tool to generate IDs based on a hash on the name of the module
  • does not automatically detect duplicate module names
  • ID gets put into bits of the integer and the other bits are the result/status code
  • Partly done now; the next release will complete this
  • This is used when you pass -rc in order to make the transition smooth

Up Next

  • focus on resolving open issues
  • Next community meeting on discord Mar 6, 2024