is a microservice for libcluon-based OD4Sessions to process message specifications in libcluon's .odvd format
into C++ and Protobuf.
- Written in highly portable and high quality C++14
- Converts message specifications in .odvd format into C++ and Protobuf
- Available as Docker images for x86_64 and armhf
- To simplify the usage for your platfrom, we also provide a multi-platform Docker image
No dependencies! You just need a C++14-compliant compiler to compile this project as it ships its dependencies as part of the source distribution:
- libcluon -
This microservice is created automatically on changes to this repository via Docker's public registry for:
This microservice is supposed to be used during the development with libcluon-based applications to define messages, which shall be used with other applications that in-turn might use Protobuf. Let's assume you have a message specification in .odvd like the OpenDLV Standard Message Set that you want to use with a Protobuf-capable application. This microservice can help to transform a given .odvd file into a .proto file and afterwards, into the language-specific bindings like for Python. To use this microservice, you invoke it as follows:
- Generate the corresponding .proto file:
docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/opt/from_host -w /opt/from_host chrberger/cluon-proto-multi:v0.0.89 cluon-msc --proto cluonDataStructures.odvd > cluonDataStructures.proto
- Generate the Python-bindings via protoc (included):
docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/opt/from_host -w /opt/from_host chrberger/cluon-proto-multi:v0.0.89 protoc --python_out=. cluonDataStructures.proto
- This project is released under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 License