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Lasse Schuirmann edited this page May 8, 2016 · 3 revisions

Working with a Mailing List

  • Joining: Send an email to <name> or via the web UI. The latter will only work with GMail though.
  • Posting: Send an email with the subject and content you want to post to <name>
  • Viewing old posts: Go to<name> or click on the name below.

coala Mailing Lists

List Name Description
coala-announcements Release and important announcements only
coala-devel Anything that affects the whole development community
coala-gsoc Anything Google Summer of Code related. Students must be subscribed!

Private Mailing Lists

If you think you should be on one of those lists, please request an invitation for it.

List Name Description
coala-members Members only list that is also used for votes
coala-gsoc-mentors Private GSoC mentor communication
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