Releases: cobrateam/flask-mongoalchemy
Releases · cobrateam/flask-mongoalchemy
flask-mongoalchemy 0.7.1
flask-mongoalchemy 0.7.0
- Add support for multiple databases (issue #24)
flask-mongoalchemy 0.6.1
- Replica set support, via the MONGOALCHEMY_REPLICA_SET configuration value.
flask-mongoalchemy 0.6.0
- Use the not-so-new extension scheme for Flask, users now should import the
extension using the flask.ext metapackage - Some fixes in the docs, regarding other extensions usage in examples
flask-mongoalchemy 0.5.4
- [bugfix] fix compatibility with pymongo 2.2
flask-mongoalchemy 0.5.3
- [bugfix] fixed a bug on
flask-mongoalchemy 0.5.2
- added a configuration flag for user authentication based either on database or server
- [bugfix] fixed server based authentication
flask-mongoalchemy 0.5.1
- [bugfix] fixed the subpackage structure
flask-mongoalchemy 0.5
- Support for multiple MongoDB sessions
flask-mongoalchemy 0.4.3
- [bugfix] added database to MongoDB URI for authenticated connectinos