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Codacy Chart

Codacy Badge CircleCI

With the Codacy chart it is possible to run all Codacy components and its dependencies with a single command line.

K8s Love edit image

Each service in Codacy has its chart published to our charts repository.

This chart bundles all the components and their dependencies. For the bundle, we make use of the requirements capability of Helm.


Our Docker images are currently private and you will not be able to run the chart by yourself without the necessary Docker credentials. If you are interested in trying out Codacy contact our support at


Documentation on a per-chart basis is listed here. Some of these repositories are private and accessible to Codacy engineers only.

Helm Chart Structure edit image


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Codacy chart and their default values.

Global parameters apply to all sub-charts and make it easier to configure resources across different components.

Parameter Description Default
global.codacy.url Hostname to your Codacy installation nil
global.codacy.backendUrl Hostname to your Codacy installation nil
global.codacy.crow.url Hostname to Crow within your Codacy installation nil Secrets used internally for encryption. Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` nil
global.akka.sessionSecret Secrets used internally for encryption. Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` nil
global.filestore.contentsSecret Secrets used internally for encryption. Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` nil
global.filestore.uuidSecret Secrets used internally for encryption. Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` nil
global.cacheSecret Secrets used internally for encryption. Generate one with `openssl rand -base64 128 | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9'` nil
global.minio.create Create minio internally nil
global.rabbitmq.create Create rabbitmq internally nil
global.rabbitmq.rabbitmqUsername Username for rabbitmq. If you are using the bundled version, change the rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqUsername also. nil
global.rabbitmq.rabbitmqPassword Password for rabbitmq. If you are using the bundled version, change the rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqPassword also. nil
global.defaultdb.postgresqlUsername Username of the Postgresql server codacy
global.defaultdb.postgresqlDatabase Database name of the Postgresql server default
global.defaultdb.postgresqlPassword Hostname of the Postgresql server nil Hostname of the Postgresql server nil
global.defaultdb.service.port Port of the Postgresql server 5432
global.analysisdb.postgresqlUsername Username of the Postgresql server codacy
global.analysisdb.postgresqlDatabase Database name of the Postgresql server analysis
global.analysisdb.postgresqlPassword Hostname of the Postgresql server nil Hostname of the Postgresql server nil
global.analysisdb.service.port Port of the Postgresql server 5432
global.resultsdb.postgresqlUsername Username of the Postgresql server codacy
global.resultsdb.postgresqlDatabase Database name of the Postgresql server results201709
global.resultsdb.postgresqlPassword Hostname of the Postgresql server nil Hostname of the Postgresql server nil
global.resultsdb.service.port Port of the Postgresql server 5432
global.metricsdb.postgresqlUsername Username of the Postgresql server codacy
global.metricsdb.postgresqlDatabase Database name of the Postgresql server metrics
global.metricsdb.postgresqlPassword Hostname of the Postgresql server nil Hostname of the Postgresql server nil
global.metricsdb.service.port Port of the Postgresql server 5432
global.filestoredb.postgresqlUsername Username of the Postgresql server codacy
global.filestoredb.postgresqlDatabase Database name of the Postgresql server filestore
global.filestoredb.postgresqlPassword Hostname of the Postgresql server nil Hostname of the Postgresql server nil
global.filestoredb.service.port Port of the Postgresql server 5432
global.jobsdb.postgresqlUsername Username of the Postgresql server codacy
global.jobsdb.postgresqlDatabase Database name of the Postgresql server jobs
global.jobsdb.postgresqlPassword Hostname of the Postgresql server nil Hostname of the Postgresql server nil
global.jobsdb.service.port Port of the Postgresql server 5432
global.crowdb.postgresqlUsername Username of the Postgresql server codacy
global.crowdb.postgresqlDatabase Database name of the Postgresql server crow
global.crowdb.postgresqlPassword Hostname of the Postgresql server nil Hostname of the Postgresql server nil
global.crowdb.service.port Port of the Postgresql server 5432
global.github.enabled Enable GitHub nil
global.github.login Show login for GitHub nil The name of the GitHub app to integrate with. Only required if you use the GitHub integration. nil App id used in Codacy to integrate with GitHub Apps nil Private key generated after the GitHub App's creation nil
global.github.clientId Client id generated when creating the GitHub App nil
global.github.clientSecret Client secret generated when creating the GitHub App nil
global.githubEnterprise.enabled Enable GitHub Enterprise nil
global.githubEnterprise.login Show login for GitHub Enterprise nil
global.githubEnterprise.hostname Hostname of GitHub Enterprise instance nil
global.githubEnterprise.protocol Protocol of GitHub Enterprise instance nil
global.githubEnterprise.port Port of GitHub Enterprise instance nil
global.githubEnterprise.isPrivateMode Status of private mode on GitHub Enterprise instance nil
global.githubEnterprise.disableSSL Disable certificate validation on interaction with GitHub Enterprise instance nil The name of the GitHub app to integrate with. Only required if you use the GitHub Enterprise integration. nil App id used in Codacy to integrate with GitHub Apps in GitHub Enterprise nil Private key generated after the GitHub App's creation in GitHub Enterprise nil
global.gitlab.enabled Enable GitLab nil
global.gitlab.login Show login for GitLab nil
global.gitlab.clientId Client id generated when creating the GitLab App nil
global.gitlab.clientSecret Client secret generated when creating the GitLab App nil
global.gitlabEnterprise.enabled Enable GitLab Enterprise nil
global.gitlabEnterprise.login Show login for GitLab Enterprise nil
global.gitlabEnterprise.hostname Hostname of GitLab Enterprise instance nil
global.gitlabEnterprise.protocol Protocol of GitLab Enterprise instance nil
global.gitlabEnterprise.port Port of GitLab Enterprise instance nil
global.gitlabEnterprise.clientId Client id generated when creating the GitLab App nil
global.gitlabEnterprise.clientSecret Client secret generated when creating the GitLab App nil
global.bitbucket.enabled Enable Bitbucket nil
global.bitbucket.login Show login for Bitbucket nil
global.bitbucket.key Bitbucket key used for OAuth nil
global.bitbucket.secret Bitbucket secret used for OAuth nil
global.bitbucketEnterprise.enabled Enable Bitbucket Enterprise nil
global.bitbucketEnterprise.login Show login for Bitbucket Enterprise nil
global.bitbucketEnterprise.hostname Hostname of Bitbucket Enterprise instance nil
global.bitbucketEnterprise.protocol Protocol of Bitbucket Enterprise instance nil
global.bitbucketEnterprise.port Port of Bitbucket Enterprise instance nil
global.bitbucketEnterprise.consumerKey Codacy app name to be identified on Bitbucket Enterprise instance nil
global.bitbucketEnterprise.consumerPublicKey Public key to be set on Bitbucket Enterprise instance nil
global.bitbucketEnterprise.consumerPrivateKey Private key to sign requests made to the bitbucketEnteprise instance nil
global.features.cloneSubmodules Enable sharing of configuration files for the analysis tools placed on git submodules false
global.workerManager.workers.config.analysis.maxFileSizeBytes Analysis max file size in bytes 150000
global.workerManager.workers.config.analysis.pluginTimeout.min Minimum plugin timeout value in seconds 300
global.workerManager.workers.config.analysis.pluginTimeout.max Maximum plugin timeout value in seconds 900
global.workers.config.dedicatedMax Number of concurrent worker pod instances 5
global.workers.config.inactivityTimeout Inactivity timeout for a worker 30
global.git.branchListTimeoutSeconds Timeout in seconds for listing branches in git 30
global.codacy.portal.pullRequestListTimeoutSeconds Timeout in seconds for listing pull requests from a git provider 30
global.codacy.license Codacy license for your installation nil
global.listenerdb.postgresqlUsername Username of the Postgresql server codacy
global.listenerdb.postgresqlDatabase Database name of the Postgresql server listener
global.listenerdb.postgresqlPassword Hostname of the Postgresql server PLEASE_CHANGE_ME Hostname of the Postgresql server codacy-listenerdb.codacy.svc.cluster.local
global.listenerdb.service.port Port of the Postgresql server 5432
global.crow.passwordAuth.enable Enable password authentication on crow true
global.crow.passwordAuth.username Crow login username codacy
global.crow.passwordAuth.password Crow login password PLEASE_CHANGE_ME
global.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable instantiation of ServiceMonitors for prometheus metric scraping false
global.metrics.grafana.enabled Enable grafana metrics. false

The following parameters are specific to each Codacy component.

Parameter Description Default
portal.replicaCount Number of replicas 1
portal.image.repository Image repository from dependency
portal.image.tag Image tag from dependency
portal.service.type Portal service type ClusterIP
portal.service.annotations Annotations to be added to the Portal service {}
remote-provider-service.replicaCount Number of replicas 1
remote-provider-service.image.repository Image repository from dependency
remote-provider-service.image.tag Image tag from dependency
remote-provider-service.service.type Remote Provider service type ClusterIP
remote-provider-service.service.annotations Annotations to be added to the Remote Provider service {}
listener.replicaCount Number of replicas 1
listener.image.repository Image repository from dependency
listener.image.tag Image tag from dependency
listener.service.type Service type ClusterIP
listener.service.annotations Annotations to be added to the service {}
listener.persistence.claim.size Each pod mounts and NFS disk and claims this size. 100Gi
listener.nfsserverprovisioner.enabled Creates an NFS server and a storage class to mount volumes in that server. true
listener.nfsserverprovisioner.persistence.enabled Creates an NFS provisioner true
listener.nfsserverprovisioner.persistence.size Size of the NFS server disk 120Gi
listener.cacheCleanup.olderThanDays Data retention policy in days 30 External NFS volume name listener-cache
listener.cache.path External NFS volume mount path /data
listener.cache.nfs.server IP address of external NFS server
listener.cache.nfs.path External NFS server directory or file system to be mounted /
engine.replicaCount Number of replicas 1
engine.image.repository Image repository from dependency
engine.image.tag Image tag from dependency
engine.service.type Service type ClusterIP
engine.service.annotations Annotations to be added to the service {}
engine.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Create the ServiceMonitor resource type to be read by prometheus operator. false
codacy-api.image.repository Image repository from dependency
codacy-api.image.tag Image tag from dependency
codacy-api.service.type Service type ClusterIP
codacy-api.service.annotations Annotations to be added to the service {}
codacy-api.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled Create the ServiceMonitor resource type to be read by prometheus operator. false
crow.replicaCount Number of replicas 1
crow.image.repository Image repository from dependency
crow.image.tag Image tag from dependency
codacy-spa.replicaCount Number of replicas 1
codacy-spa.image.repository Image repository from dependency
codacy-spa.image.tag Image tag from dependency
codacy-spa.service.type SPA service type ClusterIP
codacy-spa.service.annotations Annotations to be added to the SPA service {}
codacy-spa.config.codacy.pagination.repositoriesLimit Amount of repositories to fetch on each page 100

The following parameters refer to components that are not internal to Codacy, but go as part of this bundle so that you can bootstrap Codacy faster.

Parameter Description Default
fluentdoperator.enable Enable fluentd operator. It gathers logs from Codacy so that you can send it to our support if needed. true
fluentdoperator.expirationDays Number of days to retain logs. More time uses more disk on minio and retention over 7 days is not recommended. 7
fluentdoperator.flushTimeout Maximum time until Fluentd stops retrying to flush the logs. Values must be expressed using a unit, e.g. 10s, 5h. 1h
rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqUsername Username for the bundled RabbitMQ. rabbitmq-codacy
rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqPassword Password for the bundled RabbitMQ. rabbitmq-codacy
rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqErlangCookie The rabbitmq Erlang cookie RabbitMQ. nil

You can also configure values for the PostgreSQL database via the Postgresql

For overriding variables see: Customizing the chart


These are some relevant processes we follow when adding/editing something in this repo.

Development Installations

Currently, we have these set of installations done through circleci. All of them serve different purposes.

Installation Cluster Namespace Purpose Url
Dev codacy-doks-cluster codacy-dev Updated automatically on each component pipeline. Rolling release of unstable
Sandbox codacy-doks-cluster codacy-sandbox Used for development. Manually updated. Check out this process on how to update it.
Release codacy-doks-cluster codacy-release Used for releases. Updated when the process on the is triggered.

Set up your environment for DigitalOcean clusters

1. Requirements

Using a DOKS cluster has the following requirements:

On macOS you can install all these tools with brew:

$ brew install doctl kubectl

2. Configuring the DigitalOcean cli

To configure the cli create a personal access token, then run:

$ doctl auth init

3. Setup your kubecontext for the target

Replace the <codacy-doks-cluster> with the name of your target cluster.

$ doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save <codacy-doks-cluster> --set-current-context

Deploy your version of a component

You can deploy your version of a component using any of the .circleci pipelines we have set up in this project. Currently, we use the hourly_pipeline for this purpose.

  1. Checkout this repository
  2. Create a new branch with a name like sandbox/....
  3. Change the requirements-dev.yaml to use your custom versions.
  4. git push of your branch
  5. Follow the circleci pipeline and use kubectl to see if your installation was successful
  6. Go to and test it out

Add a new component

To add a new component on this chart, you need to:

  1. Change the requirements.yaml
  2. use the helm dep up codacy/ command to update the requirements.lock
  3. git push

Installing a custom Codacy version

To install a custom Codacy version:

sudo git clone git:// -b <YOUR-BRANCH>
helm dep build ./chart/codacy
helm upgrade --install codacy ./chart/codacy/ --namespace codacy --atomic --timeout=300 --values ./<YOUR-VALUES-FILE>

To upgrade a custom Codacy version:

(cd chart; sudo git fetch --all --prune --tags; sudo git reset --hard origin/<YOUR-BRANCH>;)
helm dep build ./chart/codacy
helm upgrade --install codacy ./chart/codacy/ --namespace codacy --atomic --timeout=300 --values ./<YOUR-VALUES-FILE>