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Releases: codeoverflow-org/chatoverflow

Pre-Alpha 3 Release

29 Nov 18:20
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Pre-Alpha 3 Release Pre-release

Since the last release @daniel0611 became an active member of our team and we made a lot of progress.

Our main goal with this release was to improve the overall usabillity of the framework, espacially to make the life of plugin developers a lot easier.

Major changes

Let's summarize the most important changes, bug fixes and enhancements of the chat overflow project first:

  • Reworked plugin structure and loading to hold all metadata in a xml file instead of Pluggable.
    For plugin developers: Take a look at the migration guide to migrate your plugins to this new format
  • Added metadata to connectors
  • Added a platform connector for RCON and StreamElements
  • Added Cheer, Raid and Host events to Tipeeestream and StreamElements
  • Added documentation for every platform to the wiki
  • Added automatic updater for end-user deployments
  • Updated versioning of all components to follow semantic versioning 2

Detailed changes

It's hard to document all the changes since the last release. We resolved over 40 issues since the last release which makes up a ton of new features and resolved bugs.


  • Reworked plugin structure and loading to hold all metadata in a xml file instead of Pluggable (#41)
  • Added xml metadata file creation in the sbt create task (#20)
  • Added a flag to save logs to the log/ directory (#107)
  • Added a deployment for plugin developers with precompiled framework, build-project and gui (#21)
  • Added support for plugin dependencies that are downloaded at runtime using coursier (#105)
  • Added EventManager and EventConnector to simplify development of event-based platform connectors (#110)
  • Host REST-API npm package using GitHub Package Registry instead of npm (#133)

API / Platform Support

  • Added a sbt generator that automatically generates requirements (#53)
  • Made Requirements read-only to plugins (#79)
  • Added the possibility to get the username of the bot and ignore the bots messages to the TwitchChatConnector (#104)
  • Removed leagacy MockupChat (#30)
  • Fixed various json parsing exceptions in the TipeeestreamConnector (#132)
  • Updated TipeeeStreamConnector to send the authentication token as a url parameter (#127)
  • Added basic StreamElements platform support (#129)
  • Added Cheer, Raid and Host events to Tipeeestream and StreamElements (#131)
  • Added metadata xml files to all connectors (#40)
  • Added everything required to publish the API to GitHub Package Registry (#130)
  • Added RCON Connector (#62)
  • Added documentation for every platform to the wiki (#38)


  • Added realtime Sever-Sent events for plugin instance logs (#78)
  • Split GUI into its own jar instead of residing in the jar of the framework (#109)
  • Added connector metadata (#40)
  • Fixed that the GUI couldn't refresh requirements if you tried to set a parameter with a invalid value (#153)



Pull Requests

The development progress of chat overflow was further pushed trough amazing pull requests. A big thank you to all contributors! The most outstanding:

Final words

All these changes bring us closer and closer to a first alpha release.

With the important framework improvements done we can now concentrate on implementing all the different services that we would really like to integrate into the framework.
There is already a long list of ideas, so feel free to join us!
The completely revised wiki will tell you all you need to know for contributing.

Thank you for accompanying us on this journey!

Hotfix 1 for Pre-Alpha 2 Release

14 Jul 11:33
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A hotfix for recently occuring issues with Pre-Alpha 2 Release.

Also includes a custom favicon for the gui.

Detailed changes

In this small hotfix only a few bugfixes and a small change to the gui were made.


  • Fixed an issue where sometimes setting the channel for twitch chat inputs or outputs didn't work as intended (#80).

  • Fixed an issue where event handlers weren't unregistered if a input was stopped (#89).


  • Added a codeoverflow favicon to the gui

Pull Requests

We again had some amazing pull requests that helped us fixing these issues. A big thank you to @daniel0611!

Pre-Alpha 2 Release

07 Jul 19:29
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Pre-Alpha 2 Release Pre-release

Wow, that's huge! A lot of things happened since the first release in April 2019, prior the hacktival.The hacktival itself was a lot of fun and the first big community effort to develop chat overflow since the code overflow 2 stream back in November 2017.

Since the hacktival, we grow the development team from 3 to 7 members, had a lot of third-party effort trough issues and and pull requests (thank you!), created a discord server with over 500 members (wtf?) and rewrote and enhanced big parts of the chat overflow framework. It was a lot of fun to lead the development with such an amazing community.

Now: Everything compiles (so all tests are green) and it's time to release!

Major changes

Let's summarize the most important changes, bug fixes and enhancements of the chat overflow project first:

  • Rewrote big parts of the framework, making development for plugin and and platform devs faster and easier
  • Rewrote the chatoverflow-API, making it cleaner and hopefully future-proof
  • Added platform connectors for Twitch, Discord, your File system, TippeeeStream, MockupChats and serial connections like the arduino platform. More to come!
  • Added a rich and ready-to-use REST-API to controll big parts of chat overflow
  • Replaced the REPL with the first version of a web-based Angular GUI
  • Added testing and prototyping plugins and platform connections for developers

Detailed changes

It's hard to document all the changes since the last release. Not only because so muched changed but rather because we didn't use issues and milestones to track progress until recently. There are still a lot of issues, solved.


  • Added bootstrap project to download libraries and start the framework for user environments
  • Enhanced sbt commands and run configurations. Added make support
  • Reworked platform connector, added support for optional credentials
  • Added actor paradigma to separate sandbox and privileged framework context
  • Added big REST-API, documented with Open API / Swagger
  • Added support for generating dependency lists for the bootstrap launcher
  • Added support for OpenSLL-compatible encrypted communication
  • Updated CLI, making the parameters more clear and usable
  • Removed the REPL
  • Enhanced plugin execution and configuration handling

API / Platform Support

  • Added documentation to a lot of API functionality
  • Reworked API structure, making nearly everything event-based
  • Added discord server platform / chat connector
  • Added platform connector for serial communication e.g. with arduino
  • Added file system connector and (sandboxed) plugin data folder
  • Added mockup chat support
  • Added initial tipeeestream platform support


  • Created the chatoverflow-api package on npm, encapsulating a generated angular library for server communication
  • Added GUI-frontend project, based on the material-angular-dashboard
  • Implemented first "Better REPL"-single page GUI, controlling the framework trough the REST-API

Pull Requests

The development progress of chat overflow was further pushed trough amazing pull requests. A big thank you to all contributors! The most outstanding:

Final words

At this point, I want to thank the new and bigger team, especially @joblo2213 who spent a lot of time refactoring the API until now, where the usage for plugin developers is much more cleaner and easier.

This is the second release and houndreds of hours of coding had been needed to bring chat overflow that far. But we are still in pre-alpha state, so there is a lot more to do. Feel free to join us!

Next up: More platform connections (RCON, Twitter, FTP, Loots, YouTube, Twitch PubSub, Tipeee Stats), reworked plugin format, enhanced generators for faster development workflow, enhanced documentation and tutorials, LogOverflow and so much more. Thank you!

First public pre-alpha release

15 Apr 10:40
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This is the first public release. Please note, that there is not much functionality and everything might break. Still pretty cool, though.