cloud4students aims to help students deploy their projects on Threefold Grid.
- docker-compose
First create
check configuration -
in docker-compose.yml to server api url for examplehttp://localhost:3000/v1
To build backend and frontend images
docker-compose build
First create config.json
check configuration
To run backend and frontend:
docker-compose up
- your backend will run at
- your frontend will run at
If your machine has a public ip or a domain you can route your backend and frontend urls using caddy.
- example Caddyfile for a domain {
route /* {
uri strip_prefix /*
reverse_proxy localhost:8080
route /v1/* {
uri strip_prefix /*
reverse_proxy localhost:3000
Before building or running docker compose, create config.json
in the current directory.
example config.json
"server": {
"host": "localhost, required",
"port": ":3000, required",
"redisHost": "redis-db, make sure to change it in docker compose if you have other redis configurations, required",
"redisPort": "6379, make sure to change it in docker compose if you have other redis configurations, required",
"redisPass": "pass, make sure to change it in docker compose if you have other redis configurations, required"
"mailSender": {
"email": "your sendgrid account sender, required",
"sendgrid_key": "<sendgrid-key>, required",
"timeout": "<the timeout for app mail verification codes in seconds, required>"
"database": {
"file": "<the path of the database file you have or you want to create, default is `database.sql`>"
"token": {
"secret": "<your secret for the jwt tokens, required>",
"timeout": "<the timeout of the jwt token in seconds, required>"
"account": {
"mnemonics": "<your account mnemonic to be used for the deployments, required>",
"network": "<grid-network, It can be main, qa, test, dev only, required>"
"version": "the version of your api like `v1`, required",
"admins": ["<a set of the user emails you want to make admins>"],
"notifyAdminsIntervalHours": "<the interval between admins notifications in hours, optional>",
"adminSSHKey": "<an ssh key to be put with every deployment to prevent losing the vm if the user changed his ssh keys. optional>"
check frontend README
check backend README