my-tiny-api is a Node.js package designed to scaffold a Express CRUD API REST for TypeORM entities with validation. Additionally, it automates the generation of a Postman collection for each endpoint, providing a seamless development experience for building APIs quickly and efficiently.
- Scaffold a CRUD API REST for TypeORM entities effortlessly (Create, Delete, Update, Get by id, Paginated Get).
- Automatically generate a Postman collection for each endpoint.
- Simplify API development and testing workflow.
You can install my-tiny-api via npm:
npm install my-tiny-api
To use my-tiny-api, follow these steps:
- Install my-tiny-api as a development dependency in your Node.js project.
- Create your TypeORM entities.
- Import my-tiny-api into your project and initialize it
connection, //DataSource Typeorm
entities: ["Posts","Comments"], //Typeorm entities
config: {
host: "localhost",
port: 3000,
basePath: "/api/",
apiName: "BlogApi"
- Enjoy your scaffolded CRUD API REST and the automatically generated Postman collection!
Some functionality to add in the future:
- Authentication
- Customization for each endpoint
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues or pull requests.
This package is licensed under the MIT License.