Mercury is a Discord bot built on python3 and the py-cord library.
Mercury is a highly configurable bot that can be used for basic server management, and to pull data from EVE Online.
- Easy setup and management
- Guided initial setup, just run a command and answer questions! No copying and editing files.
- Need to edit the bot config? Just run the setup command again!
- "Hot Swappable" cogs! Want to enable or disable a cog without restarting the bot? That's just a command away.
- Welcome new members to your server with a custom message (set by command)
- Subscribe to the zKillboard kill feed to post the killmails you care about straight to your discord.
- Subscribe to the EVE-Scout thera API to get notifications about thera holes near you!
- Check prices on any item in the game. (Using fuzzwork's market API)
- Get quick info on any character, corporation, alliance, or system in the game.
- Check your (or an enemy's) zkillboard stats.
- Automatically post zkillboard stats, kill data, and market data whenever a relevant link is posted in discord.
- Subscribe to CCP news feeds to get the latest patchnotes, devblogs, and news straight in your discord.
Before installing Mercury there are two things that must be installed on your machine:
- python3.9 or greater (including
on Ubuntu) - postgres 9.4 or greater
Those are the only 2 prerequisites for this project.
- First you will need to clone this git project. (
$ git clone
) - Create a new venv for the bot. (
$ python -m venv mercury
) - Activate the venv. (
$ source mercury/bin/activate
) - Install dependencies from
((mercury)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
) - Run the setup command. (
(mercury)$ python --setup
) - Run the migrations. (
(mercury)$ python --migrate
Though it would be fine to run the bot using screen, I would suggest instead using supervisor.