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Elephant-Framework -- by

A framework that helps simplify the creation of bots for mastodon/pleroma

Uses rufus-scheduler in the backend


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'elephrame'

And then execute:


Or install it yourself as:

gem install elephrame


bot that posts "trans right are human rights" every three hours:

require 'elephrame'

my_bot = '3h' do |bot|"trans rights are human rights")
$ INSTANCE="" TOKEN="your_access_token" ruby bot.rb

Check the examples directory for more example bots

If you're new to ruby development in general there is also a getting started document in the examples folder that I would recommend you to read. It takes a high level approach to getting started with ruby, some basic syntax, working with gems, basic project structure, and more!

Bot Types

So far the framework support 6 bot types: Periodic, Interact, PeroidInteract, Reply, Command, Watcher

  • Periodic supports posting on a set schedule
  • Interact supports callbacks for each type of interaction (favorites, boosts, replies, follows)
  • PeriodInteract supports both of the above (I know, this isn't a good name)
  • Reply only supports replying to mentions
  • Command supports running code when mentioned with commands it recognizes
  • Watcher supports watching streaming timelines (including lists, hashtags, public timeline, local timeline, and user timeline)
  • TraceryBot supports automatically loading tracery rules. Overloads post method to automatically expand any text passed through it. This bot type provides certain options that ease the use of tracery grammar rules, please see examples and/or documentation for more explanation.
  • EbooksBot provides a very quick and easy way to create an ebooks bot. Please see the example in the examples folder for a detailed explanation.
  • MarkovBot provides a quick way to get started with making markov bots. Please see the example in the examples folder.

Both the Ebooks and Markov bots support a few commands out of the box. !delete, !filter, and !help. These commands will only work when sent from an account that the bot is following. The Ebooks bot supports !update as well.

Any time a 'time' string is needed it must be either a 'Duration' or 'Cron' string as parsable by fugit


All the documentation is over at RubyDoc!

Every place that accepts a block provides access to the bot object. This allows for easy access to some provided helper methods, as well as the actual mastodon access object.

Exposed methods from bot object:

  • client this is the underlying mastodon rest client we use in the backend. use this to make custom calls to the api for which we don't provide a helper
  • username the name of the bot as fetched by verify_credentials
  • strip_html (defaults to true) if set, the framework will automatically strip all html symbols from the post content
  • max_retries (defaults to 5) the maximum amount of times the framework will retry a mastodon request
  • failed a hash that represents the status of the last post or media upload. failed[:post] and failed[:media]; returns true if it failed, false if it succeeded
  • post(content, visibility: 'unlisted', spoiler: '', reply_id: '', hide_media: false, media: []) this provides an easy way to post statuses from inside code blocks
  • reply(content, *options) a shorthand method to reply to the last mention (Note: only include the @ for the user who @ed the bot)
  • reply_with_mentions(content, *options) similar to reply but includes all @s (respects #NoBot)
  • find_ancestor(id, depth = 10, stop_at = 1) looks backwards through reply chains for the most recent post the bot made starting at post id until it hits depth number of posts, or finds stop_at number of it's own posts
  • no_bot?(account_id) returns true if user with account_id has some form of "#NoBot" in their bio or their profile fields
  • fetch_list_id(name) return the id of a list with given name name
  • fetch_account_id(account_name) return the id of an account with given handle account_name

(See RubyDocs for source code documentation)

In the Wild!

Here's a list of bots that are currently using this framework. If you are using it, add yourself to this list and submit a pull request!


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Elephrame project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.