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Simple method memoization decorator based on cachetools, suitable for numpy.ndarray input.


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simplecache -- implementing cached methods using cachetools, with particular interest in the methods that takes a numpy.ndarray argument.


This module is largely obsoleted by the cachetools version 1.1 update.

This little module is built on top of cachetools. We provide an alternative to cachetools.cachedmethod by the method decorator factory memoized, with the particular target of a method that takes a numpy.ndarray argument. It is adapted from the implementation of cachetools.cachedmethod. The original cachetools package is developed by Thomas Kemmer (c) and is available as MIT-Licensed free software, available from GitHub or PyPI.

Currently, it only supports methods with the definition signature of

    def method(self, arrayarg, *args, **kwargs):

where arrayarg is expected to be a numpy.ndarray instance, and it is this argument that will be used to derive a key for cache access. Class methods or static methods are currently not supported.

For your class to benefit from this memoization decorator, it must first inherit from our ArrayMethodCacheMixin class alongside with its other parent classes. After that, you can use the memoized function to create decorators that decorate your methods. For example:

>>> import numpy
>>> class A(ArrayMethodCacheMixin, object):
...     v = 4.2
...     @memoized()
...     def frob(self, array):
...         '''Docstring for method frob is preserved.'''
...         # Lengthy, expensive, and phony calculations...
...         tmp = array.copy()
...         p = numpy.outer(array, array)
...         for i in xrange(1000000):
...             tmp +=, array)
...         return tmp + self.v
...     @memoized(cachetype=cachetools.LFUCache, cachesize=2)
...     def spam(self, array, blah=5.0):
...         f = self.frob(array)
...         return, f + blah * self.v)

After that, you can interactively test the effect of memoization by instantiating A:

>>> ta = A()
>>> x = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.])
>>> numpy.set_printoptions(precision=1)

The following call, when first invoked, will hang for a while:

>>> print ta.frob(x)    # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[ 14000005.2  28000006.2  42000007.2]

But subsequent calls with the same argument will be very fast:

>>> print ta.frob(x)    # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[ 14000005.2  28000006.2  42000007.2]

At this moment, if you wish, you can access the actual cache via the _cachedict attribute, but manual handling of the cache is not recommended.

>>> ta._cachedict       # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
{'frob': LRUCache(..., maxsize=64, currsize=1)}

After the first call to ta.spam(), it will have its own cache, too:

>>> print "%.1f" % ta.spam(x)
>>> items = ta._cachedict.items()
>>> items.sort()
>>> print items         # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[('frob', LRUCache(..., maxsize=64, currsize=1)), ('spam', LFUCache(...))]

Docstring of the decorated method is preserved as-is:

>>> print ta.frob.__doc__
Docstring for method frob is preserved.

Please see the file COPYING for copyright information.


Simple method memoization decorator based on cachetools, suitable for numpy.ndarray input.








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