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stop-cran committed Jun 22, 2023
1 parent b46b4cd commit 19de219
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Showing 12 changed files with 4,372 additions and 4,377 deletions.
356 changes: 178 additions & 178 deletions theories/Topology/Completeness.v
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@@ -1,178 +1,178 @@
Require Export MetricSpaces.
Require Import Psatz.
From Coq Require Import ProofIrrelevance.

Section Completeness.

Variable X:Type.
Variable d:X->X->R.
Hypothesis d_metric: metric d.

Definition cauchy (x:nat->X) : Prop :=
forall eps:R, eps > 0 -> exists N:nat, forall m n:nat,
(m >= N)%nat -> (n >= N)%nat -> d (x m) (x n) < eps.

Lemma convergent_sequence_is_cauchy:
forall (x:Net nat_DS (MetricTopology d d_metric))
(x0:point_set (MetricTopology d d_metric)),
net_limit x x0 -> cauchy x.
destruct (MetricTopology_metrized X d d_metric x0).
red; intros.
destruct (H (open_ball d x0 (eps/2))) as [N].
- Opaque In. apply open_neighborhood_basis_elements. Transparent In.
- constructor.
rewrite metric_zero; trivial.
- simpl in N.
exists N.
destruct (H1 m H2).
destruct (H1 n H3).
apply Rle_lt_trans with (d x0 (x m) + d x0 (x n)).
+ rewrite (metric_sym _ _ d_metric x0 (x m)); trivial.
now apply triangle_inequality.
+ lra.

Lemma cauchy_sequence_with_cluster_point_converges:
forall (x:Net nat_DS (MetricTopology d d_metric))
(x0:point_set (MetricTopology d d_metric)),
cauchy x -> net_cluster_point x x0 -> net_limit x x0.
apply metric_space_net_limit with d.
- apply MetricTopology_metrized.
- intros.
red; intros.
destruct (H (eps/2)) as [N].
+ lra.
+ pose (U := open_ball d x0 (eps/2)).
assert (open_neighborhood U x0 (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric)).
{ apply MetricTopology_metrized.
lra. }
destruct H3.
destruct (H0 U H3 H4 N) as [m [? []]].
simpl in H5.
exists N; intros n ?.
simpl in H7.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (d x0 (x m) + d (x m) (x n)).
* now apply triangle_inequality.
* cut (d (x m) (x n) < eps/2).
** lra.
** now apply H2.

Definition complete : Prop :=
forall x:nat->X, cauchy x ->
exists x0:X, net_limit x x0 (I:=nat_DS)
(X:=MetricTopology d d_metric).

End Completeness.

Arguments cauchy {X}.
Arguments complete {X}.

Section closed_subset_of_complete.

Variable X:Type.
Variable d:X->X->R.
Hypothesis d_metric:metric d.
Variable F:Ensemble X.

Let FT := { x:X | In F x }.
Let d_restriction := fun x y:FT => d (proj1_sig x) (proj1_sig y).

Lemma d_restriction_metric: metric d_restriction.
constructor; intros; try destruct x; try destruct y; try destruct z;
try apply subset_eq_compat; apply d_metric; trivial.

Lemma closed_subset_of_complete_is_complete:
complete d d_metric ->
closed F (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric) ->
complete d_restriction d_restriction_metric.
red; intros.
pose (y := fun n:nat => proj1_sig (x n)).
destruct (H y) as [y0].
- red; intros.
destruct (H1 eps H2) as [N].
now exists N.
- intros.
assert (In F y0).
{ rewrite <- (closure_fixes_closed _ H0); trivial.
apply @net_limit_in_closure with (I:=nat_DS) (x:=y); trivial.
red; intros.
exists i; split.
- apply Nat.le_refl.
- unfold y.
destruct (x i); trivial. }
exists (exist _ y0 H3).
apply metric_space_net_limit with d_restriction.
+ apply MetricTopology_metrized.
+ intros.
unfold d_restriction; simpl.
apply metric_space_net_limit_converse with
(MetricTopology d d_metric); trivial.
apply MetricTopology_metrized.

Lemma complete_subset_is_closed:
complete d_restriction d_restriction_metric ->
closed F (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric).
cut (Included (closure F (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric)) F).
- intros.
assert (closure F (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric) = F).
{ apply Extensionality_Ensembles.
split; trivial; apply closure_inflationary. }
rewrite <- H1; apply closure_closed.
- red; intros.
assert (exists y:Net nat_DS (MetricTopology d d_metric),
(forall n:nat, In F (y n)) /\ net_limit y x).
{ apply first_countable_sequence_closure; trivial.
apply metrizable_impl_first_countable.
exists d; trivial; apply MetricTopology_metrized. }
destruct H1 as [y []].
pose (y' := ((fun n:nat => exist _ (y n) (H1 n)) :
Net nat_DS (MetricTopology d_restriction d_restriction_metric))).
assert (cauchy d y).
{ apply convergent_sequence_is_cauchy with d_metric x; trivial. }
assert (cauchy d_restriction y').
{ red; intros.
destruct (H3 eps H4) as [N].
exists N; intros.
unfold d_restriction; unfold y'; simpl.
now apply H5. }
destruct (H _ H4) as [[x0]].
cut (net_limit y x0 (I:=nat_DS) (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric)).
+ intros.
assert (x = x0).
{ assert (uniqueness (net_limit y (I:=nat_DS)
(X:=MetricTopology d d_metric))).
{ apply Hausdorff_impl_net_limit_unique.
apply T3_sep_impl_Hausdorff.
apply normal_sep_impl_T3_sep.
apply metrizable_impl_normal_sep.
exists d; trivial.
apply MetricTopology_metrized. }
now apply H7. }
now rewrite H7.
+ apply metric_space_net_limit with d.
* apply MetricTopology_metrized.
* exact (metric_space_net_limit_converse
(MetricTopology d_restriction d_restriction_metric)
d_restriction (MetricTopology_metrized _ d_restriction
nat_DS y' (exist _ x0 i) H5).

End closed_subset_of_complete.
Require Export MetricSpaces.
Require Import Psatz.
From Coq Require Import ProofIrrelevance.

Section Completeness.

Variable X:Type.
Variable d:X->X->R.
Hypothesis d_metric: metric d.

Definition cauchy (x:nat->X) : Prop :=
forall eps:R, eps > 0 -> exists N:nat, forall m n:nat,
(m >= N)%nat -> (n >= N)%nat -> d (x m) (x n) < eps.

Lemma convergent_sequence_is_cauchy:
forall (x:Net nat_DS (MetricTopology d d_metric))
(x0:point_set (MetricTopology d d_metric)),
net_limit x x0 -> cauchy x.
destruct (MetricTopology_metrized X d d_metric x0).
red; intros.
destruct (H (open_ball d x0 (eps/2))) as [N].
- Opaque In. apply open_neighborhood_basis_elements. Transparent In.
- constructor.
rewrite metric_zero; trivial.
- simpl in N.
exists N.
destruct (H1 m H2).
destruct (H1 n H3).
apply Rle_lt_trans with (d x0 (x m) + d x0 (x n)).
+ rewrite (metric_sym _ _ d_metric x0 (x m)); trivial.
now apply triangle_inequality.
+ lra.

Lemma cauchy_sequence_with_cluster_point_converges:
forall (x:Net nat_DS (MetricTopology d d_metric))
(x0:point_set (MetricTopology d d_metric)),
cauchy x -> net_cluster_point x x0 -> net_limit x x0.
apply metric_space_net_limit with d.
- apply MetricTopology_metrized.
- intros.
red; intros.
destruct (H (eps/2)) as [N].
+ lra.
+ pose (U := open_ball d x0 (eps/2)).
assert (open_neighborhood U x0 (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric)).
{ apply MetricTopology_metrized.
lra. }
destruct H3.
destruct (H0 U H3 H4 N) as [m [? []]].
simpl in H5.
exists N; intros n ?.
simpl in H7.
apply Rle_lt_trans with (d x0 (x m) + d (x m) (x n)).
* now apply triangle_inequality.
* cut (d (x m) (x n) < eps/2).
** lra.
** now apply H2.

Definition complete : Prop :=
forall x:nat->X, cauchy x ->
exists x0:X, net_limit x x0 (I:=nat_DS)
(X:=MetricTopology d d_metric).

End Completeness.

Arguments cauchy {X}.
Arguments complete {X}.

Section closed_subset_of_complete.

Variable X:Type.
Variable d:X->X->R.
Hypothesis d_metric:metric d.
Variable F:Ensemble X.

Let FT := { x:X | In F x }.
Let d_restriction := fun x y:FT => d (proj1_sig x) (proj1_sig y).

Lemma d_restriction_metric: metric d_restriction.
constructor; intros; try destruct x; try destruct y; try destruct z;
try apply subset_eq_compat; apply d_metric; trivial.

Lemma closed_subset_of_complete_is_complete:
complete d d_metric ->
closed F (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric) ->
complete d_restriction d_restriction_metric.
red; intros.
pose (y := fun n:nat => proj1_sig (x n)).
destruct (H y) as [y0].
- red; intros.
destruct (H1 eps H2) as [N].
now exists N.
- intros.
assert (In F y0).
{ rewrite <- (closure_fixes_closed _ H0); trivial.
apply @net_limit_in_closure with (I:=nat_DS) (x:=y); trivial.
red; intros.
exists i; split.
- apply Nat.le_refl.
- unfold y.
destruct (x i); trivial. }
exists (exist _ y0 H3).
apply metric_space_net_limit with d_restriction.
+ apply MetricTopology_metrized.
+ intros.
unfold d_restriction; simpl.
apply metric_space_net_limit_converse with
(MetricTopology d d_metric); trivial.
apply MetricTopology_metrized.

Lemma complete_subset_is_closed:
complete d_restriction d_restriction_metric ->
closed F (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric).
cut (Included (closure F (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric)) F).
- intros.
assert (closure F (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric) = F).
{ apply Extensionality_Ensembles.
split; trivial; apply closure_inflationary. }
rewrite <- H1; apply closure_closed.
- red; intros.
assert (exists y:Net nat_DS (MetricTopology d d_metric),
(forall n:nat, In F (y n)) /\ net_limit y x).
{ apply first_countable_sequence_closure; trivial.
apply metrizable_impl_first_countable.
exists d; trivial; apply MetricTopology_metrized. }
destruct H1 as [y []].
pose (y' := ((fun n:nat => exist _ (y n) (H1 n)) :
Net nat_DS (MetricTopology d_restriction d_restriction_metric))).
assert (cauchy d y).
{ apply convergent_sequence_is_cauchy with d_metric x; trivial. }
assert (cauchy d_restriction y').
{ red; intros.
destruct (H3 eps H4) as [N].
exists N; intros.
unfold d_restriction; unfold y'; simpl.
now apply H5. }
destruct (H _ H4) as [[x0]].
cut (net_limit y x0 (I:=nat_DS) (X:=MetricTopology d d_metric)).
+ intros.
assert (x = x0).
{ assert (uniqueness (net_limit y (I:=nat_DS)
(X:=MetricTopology d d_metric))).
{ apply Hausdorff_impl_net_limit_unique.
apply T3_sep_impl_Hausdorff.
apply normal_sep_impl_T3_sep.
apply metrizable_impl_normal_sep.
exists d; trivial.
apply MetricTopology_metrized. }
now apply H7. }
now rewrite H7.
+ apply metric_space_net_limit with d.
* apply MetricTopology_metrized.
* exact (metric_space_net_limit_converse
(MetricTopology d_restriction d_restriction_metric)
d_restriction (MetricTopology_metrized _ d_restriction
nat_DS y' (exist _ x0 i) H5).

End closed_subset_of_complete.

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