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=== Corpus Chatbot Widget ===
Tags: corpus, chatbot, chatgpt, widget
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 4.8
Stable tag: trunk
Requires PHP: 7.0
License: GNU General Public License v3.0
License URI:

Corpus is a customer service chatbot powered by AI, designed to automate and streamline customer service operations. With Corpus, over 50% of customer support requests can be resolved instantly by providing timely responses to customer inquiries around the clock.

== Description ==

## What is Corpus?

Corpus is a customer support chatbot powered by AI, designed to automate and streamline customer service operations. With Corpus, over 50% of customer support requests can be resolved instantly by providing timely responses to customer inquiries around the clock.

> ☝️ Unlike standard chatbots, Corpus is developed to serve as an asynchronous customer service tool. It allows for a personalized chatbot experience by enabling the customization of the chatbot's personality to align with the brand it represents. This customization extends to the domain, enabling a brand-centric user experience.

One of the key advantages of Corpus is its ability to provide accurate answers by sourcing information exclusively from the provided data or knowledge base. This significantly minimizes the chances of providing incorrect or misleading information, known as "hallucinations" in AI terminology.

**Some of the advantages of using Corpus include:**

## Customization
Corpus allows for a personalized chatbot experience with customization options to align the chatbot's personality with the representing brand.

## Lead management
Corpus is equipped with features for lead generation and management. It provides a platform for not just handling customer inquiries but also capturing and managing leads which is essential for business growth.

## Easy setup
In terms of setup, Corpus requires a data source to operate effectively. The initial step involves providing the necessary data or data source from which Corpus will fetch and extract content. Following this, there is a training phase where the chatbot is trained on the provided data to enable it to respond accurately to customer inquiries in a manner akin to a human representative.

## Continuous operation
Once set up, Corpus operates continually to handle customer inquiries, provide useful tips based on the queries, and gather insights from customer interactions. The insights gathered can be analyzed to understand customer behavior and preferences, which in turn can inform business strategies.

## Additional features
Corpus offers features for marketing automation, team access, chat history access, and brand management, providing a holistic approach to managing customer interactions and driving business growth.

### Ready to get started? 
Visit our [Quick Start Guide ›](

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/corpus-chatbot-widget` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
1. Use the 'Settings' → 'Corpus Chatbot Widget' screen to configure the plugin
1. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Do you offer a free plan =

Yes, to some extent. Upon signing up, you’ll have one chatbot and 1,000 tokens to experiment with. This is usually enough to get a feel of the platform and see if it suits your needs.

= How can I provide Corpus with content? =

Corpus pulls data from your Wordpress website, Notion, GitHub, Intercom, HubSpot, ZenDesk, Google Drive, Confluence, RSS feed, and databases like Postgres and MySQL. You can upload files in most formats, including PDFs, Markdown, MS Word/Excel, and more.

= Is there a limit to how much content I can train a chatbot on? =

This depends on your plan’s token credits. For example, the Indie plan provides 5M tokens, which is around 17M characters, or 150MB of data. Providing more content will enhance the chatbot’s ability to respond to queries accurately.

= Do Corpus work with non-English content? =

Yes. Corpus can understand and respond in several languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese, with more languages coming soon.

= Is the chatbot widget customizable? =

Like you wouldn’t believe :) You can modify the bot’s colors, avatar, name, suggestions, welcome messages — even its personality!

= How do I add chatbots to my website? =

With this plugin, of course :)

== Screenshots ==


== Changelog ==

1.0 - Initial version
== Upgrade Notice ==