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This serverless function checks the health of multiple HTTP(S) endpoints. It
- checks HTTP(S) endpoint availability, return code, and content
- is configurable by a JSON file stored on S3
- runs as cron job once per minute
- publishes notifications to SNS, so you can get mail notifications
- saves state on S3
- costs only a few cents per month.
- Install global dependencies:
npm install -g serverless tslint typescript
- Install local dependencies:
npm install
- Configure your AWS credentials (https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/credentials/)
- Create a S3 bucket
- Create SNS topics
- Subscribe mail addresses to the SNS topics
- Modify config.json and upload it to your S3 bucket
Deploy the serverless function:
serverless deploy --stage [dev, prod, ...] --s3bucket [your bucket name here]
Info: The default AWS region is eu-central-1.
serverless invoke local -f healthcheck --s3bucket [your bucket name here]