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Arun edited this page Jul 14, 2021 · 20 revisions

Learning Resources





  • C++ Concurrency in Action
  • The Art of Multiprocessor Programming

Related Projects

  • Junction - Concurrent hash tables
  • libcds - Concurrent data structures
  • xenium - A C++ library providing various concurrent data structures and reclamation schemes.
  • liburcu - Userspace RCU (read-copy-update) library
  • liblfds - Lock-free data structures
  • Tervel - Fast wait-free algorithms designed for shared memory systems
  • Folly - Facebook Open Source Library
  • Intel Thread Building Blocks - A C++ template library developed by Intel for parallel programming on multi-core processors
  • libcuckoo - A high-performance, concurrent hash table
  • AirConcurrentMap - Java in-memory data storage component for key/value entries called a Map
  • Concurrency Kit - Concurrency primitives, safe memory reclamation mechanisms and non-blocking data structures for the research, design and implementation of high performance concurrent systems
  • nbds - C implementations of several scalable non-blocking data structures for x86 and x86-64
  • snaptree - Concurrent TreeMap w/ efficient support for clone() and consistent iteration
  • System.Collections.Concurrent - A Mono library implemented in C#
  • Scala Parallel Collections - Parallel collections standard library module for Scala 2.13+
  • Boost.Lockfree
  • skiptree - Drop-in replacement for java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipList[Map|Set]
  • Practical lock-free data structures - By University of Cambridge
  • moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue - An industrial-strength lock-free queue for C++
  • wangziqi2013/BwTree - An open sourced implementation of Bw-Tree in SQL Server Hekaton
  • Parallel Patterns Library - Parallel Containers and Objects
  • reagents - Reagents for multicore OCaml
  • ASCYLIB - Concurrent-search data-structure library with over 40 implementantions of linked lists, hash tables, skip lists, binary search trees, queues, and stacks
  • ssmem - A simple object-based memory allocator with epoch-based garbage collection
  • palmtree - An implementation of Intel's concurrent B+Tree (Palm Tree)
  • synchrobench - Java and C++ benchmarks for comparing many concurrent structures
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