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Aleksander Kalnoy edited this page Nov 16, 2014 · 1 revision

Action is an extra method of saving model that allows to set some extra properties on the model before it is saved.

Defining actions

The shema now has additional method actions, where you can specify additional actions, that can be performed when saving the model.

protected function actions($actions)

In general, action is a class that implements Kalnoy\Cruddy\Actions\Action interface. There is a convenient stub based on Fluent. Here's the example of basic action:

$actions->define('foo', function ($model)
    $model->bar = 'baz';

It's basically an id and a callback, that is executed before model is saved. The callback can be a class name, that is resolved from the IoC:

$actions->define('foo', 'FooAction');
class FooAction
    public function execute($model)
        $model->foo = 'bar';
$actions->define(...)->title('Static Title');
$actions->define(...)->title(function ($model) { return $model->title; });
Hiding action

You can hide the action for some reason, for example when user doesn't have necessary permissions:

$action->hide(function ($model) { return not Auth::user()->isActionPermitted('bar'); });
Disabled states

If you want action to be visible but not available for execution, you can specify that it's disabled:

$action->disable(function ($model) { return $model->is_active; });

There is a possibility to alter the state of action which is basically the style of the button in the form. Default states are: default, danger, success, warning, info and primary. You can also specify your own state foo, the button will receive a class btn-foo.

$action->state(function ($model) { return $model->getState(); });

Reusable actions

It is possible to reuse actions across entities by extracting it to separate class, that implements Kalnoy\Cruddy\Actions\Action interface:

$actions->add(new BarAction('some parameter'));

An example from test app:

protected function actions($actions)
    $actions->define('reset_price', function ($model)
        $model->price = 0;
    ->title(function ($model)
        return "Reset price from ".$model->price." to zero";
    ->disable(function ($model)
        return $model->price == 0;

    $actions->define('random_price', function ($model)
        $model->price = rand(1, 150);
        ->title('Randomize price');
