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Aleksander Kalnoy edited this page Jan 11, 2016 · 10 revisions

Entity's schema is a main component that you will work with. In a schema you define what fields and columns the model has, the validation rules and other. You can provide your own repository and validator, your own main entity object. In a word, you can control look'n'feel of your entity.

Generating schema

Cruddy is shipped with command for generating basic schema:

php artisan cruddy:schema FooSchema --model Foo

You will get generated FooSchema in app/entities directory.

Changing directory

You can generate schemas into different folder:

php artisan cruddy:schema FooSchema --path app/Acme/Entities

Setting namespace

You can provide a namespace for schema:

php artisan cruddy:schema FooSchema --namespace Acme\Entities

Base configuration

Specifying fields

Fields are set up in fields method:

protected function fields($s)

See the list of available fields.

Specifying columns

Columns are defined in columns method:

protected function columns($s)
    $s->cos([ 'id', 'name' ]);

See the list of available columns.

Changing form's layout

Main article

When the number of fields and embedded entities is growing, the form becomes pretty messy and really tall. In order to make the form more pretty, you can define a layout based on tabs, fieldsets, rows and columns.

Here's the example of the layout:

protected function layout($l)
    $l->row([ 'first_name', 'last_name' ]);
    $l->fieldset('Credentials', [ 'email', 'password' ]);

    $l->tab('Profile', 'profile');


Main article

Action is an extra method of saving model that allows to set some extra properties on the model before it is saved. For example, an action for publishing a post:

    ->define('publish', function (Post $model) { $model->publish(); })
    ->disable(function (Post $model) { return $model->isPublished(); });

Validation rules

Main article

Specifying file uploads

Main article


Setting title attribute property

Sometimes there is need to convert a model to a string. Each model is converted to a string before you see it in a drop down list. By default, Cruddy uses model's key to represent a model. You can set other attribute that will be used:

protected $titleAttribute = 'name';

You can also override toString method to get more control:

public function toString($product)
    return $product->name.' ('.$product->sku.')';

Sometimes it is helpful to display something useful besides simple text. You can do this using toHTML method:

public function toHTML($model)
    return '<img src="'.$model->file.'">';

The value of this function is used in drop downs and grid.

Setting default order

You can provide a name of the column which is used to order models by default:

protected $defaultOrder = 'name';

Providing default attributes

In order model to have some predifined attributes, use this property:

protected $defaults = [ 'is_active' => true ];

Or you can override defaults method to get more control:

protected function defaults()
    return [ 'is_active' => true ];

Eager loads

If your entity uses computed properties, or converting model to string depends on related models, you can specify which of relations should be eagerly loaded by specifying property:

protected $eagerLoads = [ 'relation' ];

These relations are loaded when a list of models is queried for data grid.

Advanced filters

Besides search box that is available for every entity, you can add more complex filters:

protected $filters = [ 'groups' ];

Each item in the array is an identifier of the field. You can filter by related models, numbers and booleans.

Overriding default per page value

If you need to override default per page value that is acquired from a model:

public $perPage = 50;

Providing external url

If you want to have a link to the model on main site in backend, you can override special method:

public function toUrl($model)
    return route('', [ $model->getKey() ]);

Custom states for rows

You can apply custom CSS classes or states per row in the datagrid. You just need to define a meta column states like so:

protected function columns($schema)
    $schema->states(function ($model)
        return $model->isNew() : 'new' : '';    

Or this way:

$schema->states( [
    // The model will have a state of "new" if closure returns true
    'new' => function ($model) { return $model->isNew(); },

// The equivalent of previous
$schema->states([ 'new' ]);

Since Cruddy is based on Twitter Bootstrap, the datagrid has following predefined states: success (green), info (blue), warning (yellow), danger (red).

    'success' => function ($model) { return $model->isNew(); },

Specifying searchable fields

Cruddy uses search anything feature for searching. This means that when you search something, it will test every text-like field for specified keywords. This is not desirable in some cases. You can specify which fields should be searchable. You need to define protected property on your entity:

protected $searchable = [ 'id', 'title' ];

More control