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Aleksander Kalnoy edited this page Jul 14, 2014 · 2 revisions

Services are different components of Cruddy's core that might be extended in some way. Each service is available from the IoC (i.e. app('cruddy') is the main service, app('cruddy.assets') is a component responsible for assets management).

Fields and columns

cruddy.fields and cruddy.columns

Both fields and columns services are extendable factories. To register a new field or column type do following:

$columns = app('cruddy.columns');

$columns->register('foo', 'Class\Name');

Where foo is the type name and Class\Name is the name of the corresponding class that should be resolvable through the IoC.

The class name can also be a closure:

$fields = app('cruddy.fields');

$fields->register('bar', function ($entity, $collection, $id, $extra)
    $field = new My\Field($entity, $id, $extra);


    // Return the field to allow additional configuration
    return $field;

Now we can define a field of type bar:

$schema->bar('test', $extra);

Every parameter that are passed to bar function will be passed to the closure along with $entity and $collection.

Remember that field type should implement Kalnoy\Cruddy\Schema\Fields\FieldInterface and column should implement Kalnoy\Cruddy\Schema\Columns\ColumnInterface. But usually you'll extend some base classes, feel free to investigate the source.





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