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The entity

Aleksander Kalnoy edited this page Feb 5, 2015 · 9 revisions

Cruddy entity consists of many components. Each component has an interface and default implementation. It is possible to create your own implementation, but usually you'll be satisfied with the default implementation or extending it.


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Entity's schema is a component that is responsible for creating other components. This is the place where you can override things. It is also provides configuration for the UI, so you can control how the entity's page looks.


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Basically, entity's fields is a layer between the UI and the repository. The field extracts data from the model and presents it in suitable form for the UI. The field is also processes the input and decides whether it should be sent to the repository or not.

Cruddy has many different fields that determine different data types; each field has corresponding JavaScript class. We can devide different field types into two big categories: basic types and relational types. Basic types are just mapping to database table columns, possibly with some extended functionality (like markdown editor). Relational types are for managing related models.


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Column is much like a field, but it works only in one-way direction. Columns extract data for a list of model rather than for single one. They are also responsible for sorting data.

There is two types of column: proxy and computed. Proxy column uses a field to extract data, while computed column uses closures.


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Before data is sent to the repository, it must be validated first. Validator validates data for specific action whether it create or update. Default implementation is enough for most cases since it allows to specify default rules and specific rules for each action, and also to reference input values using placeholders (you can reference {id} value for rules like unique).


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Repository is responsible for performing actual CRUD operations. It retrieves data, creates, updated and deletes models. Default implementation just uses Laravel models to do this, but it also has methods to sync simple relationships (BelongsTo, BelongsToMany, etc).