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Aleksander Kalnoy edited this page Jan 25, 2015 · 6 revisions

Before you continue, please read about localization in Laravel.

Cruddy can automatically translate entity's title, field, column and filter labels, and also automatically add a help message.

In order to do this, you need to create entities.php file under a language-specific folder, i.e. lang/ru/entities .php. This file has following sections:

  • titles for translating entities titles;
  • fields for translating field labels;
  • columns for translating column headers;
  • filters for translating filter titles;
  • help for applying help message.

Setting entity's title

The title of the entity with an id of foo can be clarified easily:

'titles' => [
    'foo' => [ 'singular' => 'Foo', 'plural' => 'Foos' ],

Title is defined in singular and plural forms.

Changing labels

In order to change a label for filter, column or filter, you need to add an entry in corresponding section. For example, imagine we have field with an id of foo, it can be translated by adding following entry under fileds section:

'fields' => [
    'foo' => 'Bar',

Specifying help message

Each field and column can get a help message automatically from localization file:

'help' => [
    'foo' => 'Foo help message',

In this case, each field and column with an id of foo will have a help message.

Overriding common labels

Sometimes happens that some common field of an entity needs to be labeled differently. In this case, you can create a separate language file with a name of the id of the entity, i.e. products.php. This file can contain same sections as entities.php.

Localizing menu items

Each menu item's label and a dropdown title can be a translation key. Cruddy will automatically translate it.

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