Isometric platformer adventure game/ takes place in twisted imaginary land inside protagonist’s daughter’s mind
The game is an adventure game set in an imaginary land created by the protagonist’s daughter. The game is in isometric view, which makes for an interesting perspective where the distance does not change the size of the object in the scene. The game’s story is based around the daughter’s mental illness, which is manifested as monsters in the world that the protagonist is trying to defeat. Player can explore the world and fight the various monsters and bosses that are plaguing the daughter’s mind.
The inputs used are keyboards and mouse. WASD keys are used for movement, and pressing them with shift lets the character run at faster speed at the cost of stamina. Left click in a direction on the screen lets the character attack enemies, also at the cost of stamina. Stamina regenerates over time, but health do not. However, players can pick up health potions and use them using Q key to restore small amount of health when used. Players can also find levers and elevators that they can activate with E key.
There is one level total, with 6 enemies and 1 boss. There are also 3 health potions that can be collected, two levers, one that rotates the purple platform and another that activates the elevator.
Playtesters have commented that the art style was beautiful and animation was well done. They also mention that maps need some tweaking to make it more clear which way to go which could be interpreted as a puzzle dynamic. Also, at the time of playtesting, we didn’t have much of UI done, so many testers were confused.
Biggest thing that we learned is scope management. Our initial vision of this project was much bigger, but we learned that making sure the task was completed at a given time was our priority, and limited some aspects of the game. Other things we learned are learning to divide up the work efficiently, and communicate with each other so that there are less conflicts. Using github was tricky, because when two or more of us worked on the main file, it was difficult to resolve the conflicts.