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Note taking API

REST API backend for note taking application.

test status MIT license latest tag feline reference

Running the app

To run the app first you must install the dependencies from requirements.txt then use Uvicorn to run the app.

pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m uvicorn app.main:app

Alternalively, to run in Docker (provide environment variables as needed):

docker run -p 8000:8000 -e 'DATABASE_URI=postgresql://postgres:postpwd@localhost' -e 'AUTH_OPENID_CONFIGURATION_URL=' ashesss/nulland:latest

Or even with docker compose, configure environment in docker-compose.override.yml (see example), then simply run:

docker-compose up



The API handles authentication using JWT tokens. The token is passed in the Authorization header as a bearer token. It is possible to use OIDC service like Auth0 to obtain the token and then use it with this API. It is required to provide the app with the URL to the OIDC discovery documents in the AUTH_OPENID_CONFIGURATION_URL environment variable.


The API uses PostgreSQL database. The connection string must be passed in the DATABASE_URL environment variable.


To get the log format compatible with Google Cloud structured logging, set the LOG_FORMAT environment variable to json.

Event logging

Application is able to post events to Kafka topic. To configure this feature set EVENT_PRODUCER environment variable to kafka and the hostname of Kafka server in KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS variable. Additionaly, KAFKA_SASL_USERNAME and KAFKA_SASL_PASSWORD must be set if Kafka server requires authentication.


To configure CORS to allow access from a specific domain, set the CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS environment variable to JSON-formatted list of allowed URLs, for example CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS='["http://localhost:5000"]'.

API documentation

OpenAPI documentation is available at /docs endpoint.