I present a CRM project that I made myself in PHP (Laravel) and JavaScript (JQuery). I came up with the idea to create a simple, small CRM with the most important options. I think that sometimes I will continue improving the project with new ideas. I called it "micrm", a little pun on 'micro' + 'crm'. ;) I think the project is done well and will showcase my skills in the portfolio.
The project was created on the Laravel framework and it was on the PHP code that I focused most during my work.
I love clear code, so I tried to stick to the most important principles of the Object – Oriented Programming paradigm - SOLID, KISS, DRY, YAGNI and also used architectural design patterns for extensive functionalities. The classes created by me have less than 100 rows, and the methods in the classes are limited to 15-20 rows. PHP, Blade, JS code has been separated from each other.
In addition, I have used JavaScript packages in my work (Bootstrap 5, Select2, Chart.js, Calendar.js) and PHP (Spatie, Pusher, League / csv, Guzzle, Laravel-dopdf).
- Dashboard - welcome screen, shows statistics of the last week and compares with the week before and the year, as well as the calendar of the month with events.
- Zamówienia (Orders) - contains functionalities for creating, deleting and editing offers, turning offers into orders, creating invoices. It is possible to create an order using a CSV file with the product code and its price and quantity.
- Produkty (Products) - the ability to manage products, brands and product categories. Group products by brands or product categories. A mechanism has been created that allows you to add products en masse or update prices and stock levels via a CSV file.
- Klienci (Clients) - the ability to manage clients, client profiles.
- Pracownicy (Employees) - a list of employees with their profiles and company live chat using Pusher.
- Kalendarz (Calendar) - calendar with the ability to manage events.
- Admin - management of company data, employees, permissions and settings of the entire CRM.
git clone https://github.com/damyanchik/crm-app.git
composer install
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan serve
Login: admin@example.com
Password: password
- PHP 8
- Laravel
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Composer
- Bootstrap 5