...but I’ve always been putting it off for reasons that nowadays seem trivial.
As a senior developer, I’ve stored a lot of information and knowledge and I’ve always shared it only with my close colleagues, and everytime I teach or just talk about something I know, it sounds like it’s a bit too obvious or not worth sharing it with a wider audience. But the older I get the more I feel the urge to share my knowledge, moreover, in the last few years, I noticed that what I used to share was not so bad.
This is why I decided to start sharing some knowledge TODAY!
I wish I had started with a “sexier” date like 1st January but if I had kept postponing it, I never would have started it!
Writing technical articles takes time, so I decided to start with something less demanding but that requires perseverance:
It could be an article, a coding tip, an idea, a piece of documentation or who knows what the future holds for myself!
I’m going to use my LinkedIn account with the hashtag #LearnedToday
, and I’m going to write an article on Dev.to (a community that I’ve been reading passively for years but I’ve never posted anything) in order to collect all the progresses together, with the possibility of adding further notes and thoughts.
The same article will be hosted on my personal website.
I’m also going to create a GitHub repository since I love to use GitHub to save my entire development career and who knows if I develop an app on top of this list, like a UI to filter articles or just to show some analytics.
As far as my own goals are concerned, firstly I hope that this will help me to get used to posting on a daily basis and being more confident about writing my own technical articles (spoiler alert: I have three drafts in my Dev.to account). Secondly, I would love to inspire and encourage devs to do the same, as other devs have inspired me in these years.
To wrap things up, here is a bullet point list, which is always cool to have it in a post, and it's also super effective:
- Being more fluent writing in English
- Getting used to posting on a daily basis
- Inspiring other devs to do the same
- Learn something new every day
- 27/06/2023: balancing a text with CSS using text-wrap: balance
- 28/06/2023: Deep copy of an object with structuredClone()
- 29/06/2023: Override user agent's style with appearance: none
- 30/06/2023: Add padding characters if necessary to a string: padStart()
- 01/07/2023: Create an image from a code snippet with Carbon app
- 02/07/2023: Open source browser tools for everyday use: Omatsuri
- 03/07/2023: Step by step guide to becoming a modern frontend developer in 2023: Roadmap.sh
- 04/07/2023: How to make your browser talk in ONE line of code
- 05/07/2023: Conditionally add properties to an object. Article by Andrea Simone Costa
- 06/07/2023: A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples by Denys Dovhan
- 07/07/2023: A collection of ready-made templates that simplify the creation of the .gitignore file. See also gitignore.io
- 08/07/2023: Helix! A post-modern text #editor written in Rust
- 09/07/2023: A book by Kyle Simpson that is a must read for those new to javascript: You Don't Know JS
- 10/07/2023: API mocking of the next generation: MSJS
- 11/07/2023: I wrote an article about Functional Array.splice() on my blog
- 12/07/2023: Build Your Own X is a collection of step-by-step guides for re-creating technologies from scratch
- 13/07/2023: Operations between sets in JavaScript: https://dev.to/danielzotti/learnedtoday-set-operations-with-arrays
- 14/07/2023: Check browser support of CSS, JS and HTML features with Can I Use
- 15/07/2023: LottieFiles is a website which collects free, ready-to-use and customizable animations for your projects
- 16/07/2023: GitBook: the ultimate platform for creating, collaborating, and publishing interactive documentation
- 17/07/2023: Compound emoji
- 18/07/2023: Regex and Named Capturing Group
- 19/07/2023: ng-input-number-i18n to display and edit decimal numbers for different locales.
- 20/07/2023: Web Accessibility in 20 points by Ismael Ramos
- 21/07/2023: Kevin Mitnick has died. Let's talk about his first hack
- 22/07/2023: React95: a Windows95 style UI component library that you can use in your React projects
- 23/07/2023: Regexper creates a diagram for your regex
- 24/07/2023: Reduce Spread anti-pattern article
- 25/07/2023: DreamBeard: an innovative programming language
- 26/07/2023: Qwik framework
- 27/07/2023: WeAreDevelopers Conference
- 28/07/2023: One month of #LearnedToday
- 04/08/2023: range() function in JavaScript
- 10/08/2023: Daniel's ambigram
- 18/08/2023: Pushable 3D button in SCSS
- 21/08/2023: EyeDropper API
- 28/08/2023: FileSystemAccess API
- 08/09/2023: Drag&Drop in JS