Welcome on this repo!
This is a basic template of an application using Nuxt3 published within the Github pages.
This is possible through the use of the gh-pages library.
Nuxt3 is a easy-to-use Web Framework based on Vue3 with Server Side Rendering.
You can found more infos and docs on Nuxt3 on https://nuxt.com/.
gh-pages is a library which allows you to publish files to a gh-pages branch on GitHub (or any other branch anywhere else).
You can found more infos and docs on gh-pages on https://github.com/tschaub/gh-pages.
We need to configure correctly the baseUrl path inside the nuxt.config.ts file.
If this is the main GitHub Pages repo, in example dariotecchia.github.io, we need an empty base url:
// https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
app: {
baseURL: ''
Or you can delete this property.
If you want to deploy a repo hosted on a different repo you need to configure the baseURL with the name of the repo:
// https://nuxt.com/docs/api/configuration/nuxt-config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
app: {
baseURL: '/nuxt3-ghpages/'
As you can see, in this case the value is /nuxt3-ghpages/
, the name of this repo.
The use is really simple.
First, an initial "deployment" must be done via gh-pages to allow the branch to be created from where the GitHub Pages will be deployed.
To do this we need to install the node modules via the npm install
command, make sure everything is ok by doing a first local deployment via npm run dev
If everything was ok then we can proceed with the first deploy and the automatic creation of the deployment branch.
Run the command npm run deploy
, which will just run the command nuxt generate && gh-pages --dotfiles -d .output/public
, so first the deployment package is generated via nuxt generate
and then the contents of .output/public
is pushed to the gh-pages branch.
After this is successfully executed we can move to the repository settings to go and set up the GitHub Pages.
Choose the branch where gh-pages push the dist directory:
Now wait for deploy. If everything will be ok you can found this:
You can find the deploy at this url: https://dariotecchia.github.io/nuxt3-ghpages/