OnPiler is a simple server based online compiler. Currently it supports only two languages (C and C++), but it can be easily be extended to support many more. The time limit of running the source code is also taken as standard 5 second one. There is still no multithreading support to support multiple server requests at a time simultaneously.I am still currently working on it. There are still many modifications that can be done on it. I have listed a few of them below. Feel free to contribute anytime you like.
Modifications that can be done :
- Modifying timelimit based on user input/request.
- Multithreading support to support multiple requests at one time.
- Using JavaScript and Ajax to run the source code and display output . dynamically rathar than Post requesting through form each time.
- Multi Language support.
Feel free to modify these changes :)
Requirements for OnPiler: Read "Requirements.txt" and install all modules mentioned in it.
Installation/Running Guide for OnPiler Project:
- Copy OnPiler Project directory in your working directory.
- Open terminal and navigate to your project directory in terminal.
- In terminal, run command "python manage.py runserver" .
- Open "" in your browser to run OnPiler.