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This helps you preview markdown files in the web with reloading support while watching for changes.

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Markdown Previewer

This binary helps you preview markdown files in the web with reloading support while watching for changes.




md-previewer --file=path/to/

Neovim Plugin

  • Installation:
-- lazy.nvim
  cmd = 'MdPreviewer',
  ft = 'markdown',
  -- this is for downloading the binaries from the latest release
  build = ":lua dofile(vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/lazy/md-previewer/lua/build.lua')",
  opts = {
    quiet = true, -- default is false but rn it has no real usage :0

-- packer.nvim
use {
  cmd = 'MdPreviewer',
  ft = 'markdown',
  -- this is for compiling the binaries with bun
  run = 'bun install && bun compile',
  config = function()
      quiet = true, -- default is false but rn it has no real usage :0


  • If you're not using bun to compile the binaries, you might need to set them as executables. For example, on Linux you can do chmod +x /path/to/lazy/md-previewer/bin/*. On other platforms you might want to search and see how it works.


It's as any bun project, just run bun run dev --file=path/to/ to preview a file. bun compile will generate the binaries.

  • Neovim Plugin:

I'm using direnv to manage some env vars for Neovim to load the plugin right away instead of the init.lua in your ~/.config/nvim folder. You might want to look into it. To use direnv for this simple do mv .envrc1 .envrc and direnv allow.

  • Any other enhancements are welcome :0
