This is a project written in Go to scan Oracle Cloud accounts and execute compute actions (start|stop|restart instances).
It has three components:
- A redis database to store name of compute instances with their OCID, Region and Account profile.
- A worker node to periodically scan Oracle Cloud account and store the info in a redis database.
- A rest api that will help to find the compute instace by its name previously scanned and execute either start, stop or rstart on demand.
- A OCI account
- GO >= go1.16.2
- Docker >= 20.10.5, build 55c4c88 (Tested in this version, I'm sure will work in older versions ;-) )
- Kubernetes >= v1.19.7 (Tested in this version, I'm sure will work in older versions ;-) )
Build the images
docker build -t davejfranco/oci-action-worker -f worker/Dockerfile .
docker build -t davejfranco/oci-action-api .
Login and push into your registry
docker login docker push davejfranco/oci-action-worker docker push davejfranco/oci-action-api
Create K8s secret with your docker login credentials
kubectl create secret generic dockerhub --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=/home/dave/.docker/config.json
or if you are using Oracle container registry, you need to create an auth token in your user settings. For more info:
kubectl create secret docker-registry ocirsecret --docker-username='idlhjo6dp3bd/oracleidentitycloudservice/' --docker-password=$(cat ~/.oci/token) --docker-email=''
Create credential files.
Create user and group and then apply the following policy to the group
- Allow group [group name] to read all-resources in tenancy where request.operation = 'ListCompartments' - Allow group [group name] to manage instance in tenancy where any {request.operation = 'InstanceAction', request.operation = 'ListInstances'}
For more details on how to create and manage polocies on OCI:
Generate config and key pair to authenticate with OCI account, by using the oci-cli is possible to generate both.
oci setup config
The output should look like this
[DEFAULT] user=ocid1.user.oc1..bbbbbbbbbbbiarn7vrn62bzfvvjbkvhdmihwsfrenw4zxe7oexm3b2jm6pbaoja fingerprint=e8:bf:55:93:c7:63:45:50:57:38:8a:45:d9:c1:a2:db key_file=/root/oci_api_key.pem tenancy=ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaavl2ndgiiefoo2u4a7atlq2czcwyiu5zzb6rzwwpeyt5o2xmtaxwa region=us-ashburn-1
Make sure the path to the private key is in /root and name oci_api_key.pem
For more details on oci-cli follow this link:
Create configmaps
Edit the file kube/configmaps.yaml with the info of your OCI accounts
kubectl create -f kube/configmaps.yaml
Deploy the redis database into your k8s cluster
kubectl create -f kube/redis.yaml
Modify container image in api.yaml and worker.yaml with the name of your container image and create resources
kubectl create -f /kube/api.ymal kubectl create -f /kube/worker.ymal
Once the resources are created, the microservice will scan comparments, regions and vms; it takes around a couple of mins depending on how many resources and accounts you have.
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/oci?name=MyVM"
curl -i "http://localhost:8080/oci" -X POST -d '{"name":"wls-1", "action":"stop"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Actions Allowed: start, stop, restart
Note: both stop and restart will execute softstop and softrestart respectively